Research and Consulting

Public Sector Financial Management
Public Sector Financial Management deals with financial budget transparency, the efficient allocation of funds, and the financial steering processes of public sector or nonprofit organizations. Issues include: The modernization of public sector accounting (IPSAS/HRM2), performance budgeting and global budgeting, internal controlling systems, and public-private partnerships (PPP).
Local, Regional & Collaborative Governance
Local, Regional & Collaborative Governance deals with management, control, and supervision of public sector or nonprofit organizations. It takes into account the specific requirements of such organizations. Issues include, among others: Strategy development and implementation, the organization-specific development and implementation of strategic management instruments (e.g., risk management and stakeholder management), ownership strategies, mergers, the outsourcing or privatization of public responsibilities, and issues of supervision.
Public Performance Management
Public Performance Management employs tools to enable public sector and nonprofit organizations to collect data on the performance and effectiveness of their activities in order to process and use them in making decisions in the management process. Upon demand, customized performance management tools can be developed and implemented, e.g., to use in quality management. The methods used in the context of public performance management (such as evaluations, benchmarking, and surveys) are also used in the two other key areas.