Double Degree Program with KEDGE Business School
The double degree program will provide the opportunity to graduate students from both institutions to simultaneously pursue a Master's degree from ZHAW School of Management and Law (ZHAW) and KEDGE Business School (KEDGE BS).

Upon successful completion of the double degree program, the following degrees will be awarded by the partner institutions:
- ZHAW: Master of Science in Banking and Finance
- KEDGE BS: EBP International Diploma
About the Double Degree Partner – KEDGE Business School
KEDGE Business School is the largest Business School in France. Its extensive expertise in education and research has earned KEDGE BS its status among the 1% of the world's business schools that are triple accredited by EQUIS, AMBA, and AACSB. In recent years, KEDGE BS has continuously reached high positions in national and international business school rankings. In the Financial Times Ranking 2024, KEDGE BS ranked 50th under the category “Best Master in Management Programs” and 34th under the category “Best European Business Schools 2024-2025”. In the ranking “Le Figaro”, KEDGE BS reached rank 9 for French Business Schools.
Program Structure
The regular period of study of the double degree program is 24 months, including 4 semesters of study plus 12 weeks for the completion of the Master’s thesis. ZHAW students spend the second year of study at KEDGE BS and complete some online modules at ZHAW. Each university provides full information to the other concerning the courses completed by double degree students.
At their host university, double degree students have access to the same courses as the graduate students enrolled in the regular program. They also enjoy the same rights and privileges and are subject to the same rules and regulations. Double degree students will be registered as degree students at the host university only for the parts of the study program that will be carried out under the responsibility of the host university. Students admitted for the double degree program will complete the study program details as set out below.
Study Program for the Double Degree
Master Thesis

In addition to the mandatory coursework at both universities, double degree students are required to write a Master’s thesis and undertake an oral defense of it. The partner institutions ensure the legal and organizational preconditions necessary to enable the ZHAW double degree students to start the Master’s thesis in their second year of study.
In writing their Master’s thesis, students may be supervised by faculty from the ZHAW and KEDGE BS, ensuring joint supervision. The Master’s thesis must be written in English.
Where the Master’s thesis is supervised by faculty members from both institutions jointly, both supervisors participate in the thesis defense, which is part of completing the Master’s thesis. The defense is conducted in English.
The Master’s thesis, including its defense, is worth 15 ECTS at the ZHAW and 15 ECTS (until year 2025) respectively 10 ECTS (from year 2026) at KEDGE BS.
Selection and Documents
Candidates for the double degree program are selected by their home institution according to selection criteria jointly defined and agreed by KEDGE BS and ZHAW. Due to the higher workload compared to an ordinary Master’s program, only highly qualified students are eligible to enroll in the double degree program. Each institution is entitled to admit up to five students per year to the program.
Double degree candidates must satisfy all admission requirements of the host institution, including the following:
- hold an equivalent of 240 ECTS (or have completed 4 years of full-time study) in business and/or management, or hold a bachelor degree in business/ management for 180 ECTS plus master level studies of 60 ECTS.
- have adequate language-proficiency – all double degree candidates must provide evidence of a satisfactory level of English language proficiency Level C1 according to the Common European Framework
- for the specific admission requirements for the ZHAW MSc in Banking and Finance, please refer to the program website.

All students in the double degree program admitted under a bilateral arrangement must register and pay tuition and other required fees at their home university. The host university will provide incoming double degree students with tuition fee waivers.
The students are responsible for paying any other pertinent fees required for regular degree students at each university, including the administrative fees at KEDGE BS and ZHAW.
The host university has the right not to accept a double degree candidate from the home institution for academic rationales or any other substantial reasons.
Important Information – Double Degree KEDGE Business School
Please note that only students already enrolled in the ZHAW MSc Banking and Finance can apply for a Double Degree with KEDGE Business School (Campus Bordeaux). The ZHAW degree program head will confirm the specific application arrangement for the Double Degree.