Institute for Organizational Viability

«Viability means fitness for the future and, with it, the capacity to develop and sustain life. Our goal is to provide knowledge and methods that will future-proof your business.»
Prof. Dr. Franz Röösli, Director, Institute for Organizational Viability
The organizational environment is becoming more and more challenging thanks to megatrends such as digitalization, globalization and mobility. This complexity is constantly increasing, and its effect on companies must be addressed. We help organizations shape their sustainable viability in the face of these challenges. To do this, we pursue an integral approach, putting people, structure and direction in the focus of entrepreneurial thought and action.
In our practice-oriented research, we work together with companies and organizations in a variety of ways. Several forms of collaboration are possible, ranging from student projects and contract research to government-funded research projects (Innosuisse).
Continuing Education
Our wide range of continuing education programs is designed to teach scientifically grounded content in a practical way. We employ highly qualified lecturers and provide modern facilities for a coherent learning experience.
Findings and insights from our research & development flow directly into business service projects, which we offer to interested companies. Institute for Organizational Viability specialists can support your organization with well-founded technical and methodological competence.