Public Sector Financial Management
We research, lecture and provide consulting services in the field of public financial management and, in doing so, are committed to the active transfer of knowledge into practice. Our mission is to seek innovative and academically profound solutions to current challenges in the financial management of government, administrative, and not-for-profit organizations with the aim of increasing efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in dealing with public finances and donations.
Research and Expertise
In our research, we examine ways to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of the financial management of governments, administrations, and not-for-profit organizations. The focus is on their practical needs and how to meet them by means of academically based approaches and concepts. Research areas include, in particular:
- Modernization of public accounting through HRM2 and IPSAS;
- Alternative financing models in the public sector such as public-private partnerships;
- Effects of digitalization on Public Financial Management;
- Sustainable financial management through the development of a fiscal stress test;
- Evaluation of financing decisions by Non-Profit-Organisations;
- Financial governance and planning systems such as budgeting and medium-term planning;
- Capacity building in the field of Public Financial Management;
- Sustainability reporting
- Data storytelling in the public sector
- Green / climate-responsive Public Financial Management
We have helped over 100 government, administrative, and not-for-profit organizations in more than 30 countries increase their efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in managing public finances and donations. Thanks to our broad national and international network combined with independent research into innovative concepts and approaches, we ensure that our project partners receive practical and scientifically based solutions that reflect current understanding.
Here you will find an overview of selected projects for various clients in Switzerland and internationally:
Swiss Projects
- Canton of St. Gallen. Expert opinion on linking strategic priority planning and task planning.
- Swiss Federal Finance Administration. Expert opinion on the revenue reporting of investments in developing banks.
- State Secretariat for International Finance. Regulatory cost analysis relating to the Financial Services Act (FIDLEG).
- Canton of Zurich. Development of a new funding model concerning victim protection and the fight against human trafficking.
- University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil. Introduction of an internal control system (ICS).
- Caritas Switzerland. Development and implementation of a new impact measurement system.
- UBS Optimus Foundation. Design and development of a new impact measurement system.
International Projects
- State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Technical assistance in areas of public accounting and financial control with a view to SECO priority countries.
- World Bank. Support in developing transparent accounting standards (IPSAS) in countries such as Kazakhstan, Peru, Kyrgyzstan, Ecuador, Serbia, and Albania.
- International Monetary Fund (IMF). Support in implementing public financial management reforms in countries such as Poland, Peru, Iran, Belarus, and Croatia.
- Asian Development Bank (ADB). Supporting the ADB's Program on Climate Adaptation through Green Fiscal and Public Financial Management (PFM) Reforms.
We have a broad national and international network of reliable and experienced partners in the field of financial management of public organisations and NPOs. In particular, we have strategic project partnerships with:
- Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), UK
- Center for Excellence in Finance (CEF), Ljubljana, Slowenien
- Worldbank, Washington D.C., USA
- International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., USA
- Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines
- Public Expenditure and Financial Accountabtility (PEFA), Washington, D.C., USA
- Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO), Switzerland
- UBS Optimus Foundation, Switzerland
- publicXdata AG, Solothurn, Schweiz
- Verband Zürcher Finanzfachleute (VZF), Switzerland
- BDO Schweiz AG;
- Idea 2, Zurich, Switzerland
- Aivie, Zurich, Switzerland
- Wüest und Partner, Zürich, Switzerland
-, Switzerland
Our current publications
Horni, P. (2024). Is who they are, what they prefer? Understanding bureaucratic elites' policy preferences for European integration of government accounting. European Policy Analysis, 10, 449–475. You can find this publication here.
Horni, P. (2024). When Expertise Is Not Enough: Explaining the European Commission's Non-success in the Integration of Public Sector Accounting. JCMS: Journal of Common Market. You can find this publication here.
Schuler, C., Grossi, G., & Fuchs, S. (2023). New development: the role of education in public sector accounting reforms in emerging economies: a socio-material perspective. Public Money & Management. 43(7), S. 762-768. You can find this publication here.
Grafl, A., Schuler, C., (2022). A guide to data storytelling in the public sector : communicating public finances effectively. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. You can find this publication here.
Bruni, S., Grafl, A., (2022). Republic of Tajikistan : public expenditure and financial accountability (PEFA) performance assessment report. Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA). You can find this publication here.
Fuchs, S., Haueter, J., Küng, O., (2022). Die strategische und finanzielle Verwaltungsführung neu denken. Ökonomenstimme. You can find this publication here.
Bergmann, A., (2022). Bewertung von Staatsschulden. In: Eberle, R., Oesch, D., Pfaff, D., (Hrsg.). Jahrbuch Finanz- und Rechnungswesen 2022. Zürich: Weka Business Media AG. S. 89–103. You can find this publication here.
Fuchs, S., Braunschweiler, M., (2021). Finanzielle Führung von Zürcher Gemeinden und Städten: Zur Rolle von finanzverantwortlichen Personen: Rechtliche Pflichten und praktische Überlegungen. Winterthur: ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft. You can find this publication here.
Ramsden, A., Grafl, A. (2021). The interplay of climate change and public financial management: Greening public procurement. The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA). You can find this publication here.
Fuchs, S., Grafl, A., (2021). Zur grossen Bedeutung der Finanzkommunikation für Staat und Öffentlichkeit. Ökonomenstimme. You can find this publication here.
Ramsden, A., Schuler, C., Zehnder, J., & Ponta, O. (2021). Devisenreserven der SNB zur Finanzierung der AHV? Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verwaltungswissenschaften, 12(1), S. 31–44. You can find this publication here.
We are the ZHAW Public Finance Team

Our team, from left to right
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Bergmann, Director of Department Public Sector and Professor
- Prof. Dr. Sandro Fuchs, Head Center for Public Financial Management / Lecturer
- Christoph Schuler, Project Manager Public Finance
- Dr. Oriana Ponta, Project Manager Impact Evaluations
- Pascal Horni, Project Manager Public Finance
- Dr. Alma Ramsden, Project Manager Public Finance
- Dr. Peter Sinelli, Project Manager Public Finance
- Durlandy Andrés Cubillos Márquez, Project Manager Public Finance
- Lukas Augustin, Project Manager Public Finance
- Esteban Eduardo Walteros Bello Project Manager Public Finance
- Mirjam Schwarz, Project Employee Public Finance