11th Opensky Symposium
Researchers from the Centre for Aviation present three papers at the 11th Opensky Symposium in Toulouse.
Benoit Figuet, Jan Krummen, Timothé Krauth und Manuel Waltert took part in the 11th Opensky Symposium in Toulouse and presented three research papers:
- The paper „Aircraft wake vortices affecting airport wind measurements“ deals with the question of whether wake turbulence from aircraft taking off can influence wind measurements at an airport.
- Der article „Towards Analysing the Impact of Go-Around Occurrences at Large European Airports“ examines the frequency of go-around incidents at 20 large European airports. On the other hand, it also evaluates the impact of go-around events on the traffic approaching an airport.
- The paper „Using ADS-B Trajectories to Measure How Rapid Exit Taxiways Affect Airport Capacity“ introduces a method by which the capacity envelope of an airport can be determined on the basis of ADS-B trajectories. This method is used to find out how a rapid exit taxiway affects the capacity of an airport.