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NEAPTIDE Acoustic Drone Database is available

On Monday 15th of January 2024, the “NEAPTIDE Drone Acoustic Database” was published on ZENODO. This IMES project, which is sponsored by the FOCA (Federal Office of Civil Aviation), focuses on the analysis of drone noise.

On Monday 15th of January 2024, the “NEAPTIDE Drone Acoustic Database” ( was published on ZENODO. This IMES project, which is sponsored by the FOCA (Federal Office of Civil Aviation), focuses on the analysis of drone noise.

The drones were recorded while performing several manoeuvres. These recordings were then post-processed to obtain the spectral characteristics of the drones and manoeuvres.

The experimental data is made publicly available according to the Open Science principles. All interested can have a first approach to drone noise by accessing the NEAPTIDE dashboard (


Prof. Dr. Marcello Righi
Technical Focus Light Weight Design

ZHAW School of Engineering
Institute of Mechanical Systems
Technikumstrasse 71
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 67 29