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School of Engineering

New solution for the calibration of public charging stations

As part of an innovation project, the Institute of Energy Systems and Fluid-Engineering (IEFE) at the ZHAW School of Engineering has investigated the technical feasibility and market potential of a mobile calibration- and verification device for public charging stations. The concept for a mobile test unit was developed and tested in practice. The study also confirms the corresponding market potential in Switzerland.

Eichung öffentlicher Ladestation

Electricity meters at charging stations for electric vehicles do not yet have to be calibrated on a regular basis. Public charging stations for short-term customers in particular are explicitly excluded from such regulation in the Ordinance on Energy and Power Meters (EmMV) of 2018. This is now set to change with the planned revision of the EmMV. Due to the increased importance of electromobility and the establishment of suitable measurement methods, regular calibration intervals are planned for the future. From mid-2027, it is expected that the measurement stability of electricity meters at all public charging stations in Switzerland must be ensured. AC meters must be checked and recalibrated by a calibration centre every 10 years and DC meters every 5 years.

As part of an innovation project, the IEFE has analysed the Swiss market for charging stations. It shows that the number and demand for public charging stations is increasing rapidly. While there were only 400 public charging stations in 2012, there are already over 8100 in 2021. The ZHAW researchers assume that the market will continue to grow and that there is therefore a need for a calibration and verification solution.

The IEFE concept provides for a mobile test unit. It will be installed in a vehicle and used to calibrate and gauge the individual public charging stations on site. The researchers have evaluated various components such as measuring devices, charging cables, plugs and communication protocols. Together with the implementation partner Infratek AG, they have developed a test setup for a mobile calibration and verification device that can be used to check the billed energy quantities and the measurement data of the charging stations.

The measuring device was verified with test measurements, thereby proving the functionality of the concept. In the next step, Infratek AG will examine how the test setup can be further developed into a product ready for series production.

Project name
Mobile Kalibration/Eichung von Ladestationen

Project team
Peter Schmidt, Andreas Heinzelmann 

Implementation partner
Infratek AG, Ronald Sommerer

Project duration
November 2023 till March 2024