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School of Social Work


The social work degree programme comprises the bachelor’s and master’s degree courses. The degree programme enables you to work professionally in various fields of activity within the domain of social work.

Bachelor’s and Master's degree in social work

The bachelor’s degree course in social work trains students for working in direct contact with clients. It is possible to build an individual profile in three practical fields: social work, social pedagogy and socio-cultural animation.

The master’s degree in social work gives students the skills necessary for developing new solutions to complex tasks and issues, and for cooperating in an interdisciplinary manner, as well as for planning and executing projects, evaluation work and research work. Here, relevance to practice is considered particularly important.

Career profile

The practical field of social work is highly diverse. Its activities include work with children, youths, families, adults and elderly people – in direct contact with clients or within the framework of application-oriented, research-based project work and conceptual work.

International course offerings

Bachelor’s and master’s degree students at the ZHAW School of Social Work can choose from a range of international courses. In addition to seminars, students also have the possibility to participate in study trips or exchange programmes with partner institutions.