LASSO: Device for surgical operation simulation
The aim of the LASSO (Laparoscopic Surgery Simulator) project was to develop and assemble an input-device used for the simulation of surgical (laparoscopic) operations.
The LASSO (Laparoscopic Surgery Simulator) project was carried out in cooperation with Zurich University Hospital and five ETH Institutes. The IMS' task was to design an input device and to build a prototype.
The input device consists of a laparoscopic palpation probe with force feedback and a camera unit. Both are built into a torso. A set-up with artificial skin and surgical drape ensures a natural appearance. The force feedback allows to give the surgeon a realistic feeling of the simulated organs.
Project details
Project partners:
- Universitätsspital Zürich, Switzerland
- ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Electronics Lab, Image Science, Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Robotics, Institute of Mechanics)
Links to our project partners:

ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Electronics Lab, Image Science, Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Robotics, Institute of Mechanics)