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Public Health Sciences for Universities of Applied Sciences (SSPH+UAS)

A doctoral program in health care at Swiss universities and universities of applied sciences funded by Swissuniversities.

At a Glance

Title: PhD Program in Public Health Sciences for Universities of Applied Sciences (SSPH+UAS) 

Type of Program: Cooperative Doctoral Pogram

Program Language: English

The "PhD Program in Public Health Sciences for Universities of Applied Sciences (SSPH+UAS)" aims to strengthen the research competence of members of universities of applied sciences in the field of health care. It offers participants the opportunity to do their doctorate at one of the partner universities and to benefit from further networking and training activities.

Who is the program for?

This doctoral program is aimed at


What are the formal requirements for admission to the program?

    Admission to do a doctorate at one of the partner universities participating in the SSPH+UAS program.

Additional requirements for employees of the SML requesting time and financial support:

Are there any restrictions concerning places on the program?

 A total of 20 places are available for all universities of applied sciences.

What is the selection procedure?

Are there any special deadlines to be observed?

Basically, applicants can join the program at any time. The ZHAW School of Management and Law offers its doctoral students financial and time support. Applications for support must be submitted by 30 June and 31 December, respectively. Details can be found on the SML Intranet page "Doktorandencockpit" (only with ZHAW login).