Global Competitiveness and Innovation

“Europe is our most important trading partner: Understanding it holistically is a decisive competitive advantage for Swiss companies.”
Dr. Florian Keller, Head Center for Global Competitiveness
Every second Swiss franc is earned abroad. The resulting mandate for global competitiveness is a continuous analysis and assessment of the economic and political relationship between Switzerland and the different countries as well as the EU. We also make the resulting outcomes and developments available to our partners from industry. To this end, we offer a comprehensive range of degree and continuing education programs as well as a portfolio of services for companies.
Focus Areas
Our current focus is on the following activities and competences:
- Swiss Managers Survey: a recurring survey focusing on current business topics
- ZHAW International Business Podium: A Series of events that focuses on political and economic developments, and discusses current topics with experts and academics.
72 hours crisis
21 June 2022
The management struggles for the survival of the company: pure hectic, almost day and night. It is only a crisis simulation. But the final seminar in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) challenges the participants to their limits.
Article in the ZHAW Magazine Impact (German)
Geo-Economic Showdown Over the World’s Largest Free Trade Zone

28 October 2021
With applications for membership from China, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) could soon represent one-third of global GDP. What does this dynamic expansion mean for absentee states like the United States and Switzerland? A contribution from Dominique Ursprung.
Geo-Economic Showdown Over the World’s Largest Free Trade Zone
Article in «Die Volkswirtschaft»
The UK Announces CPTPP Expansion Phase – Switzerland Must Now Show Its Colors

16 February 2021
The notification by the United Kingdom to begin the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) accession process could make this transpacific trade initiative into a global framework. Switzerland could benefit from the groundwork done by the British, but the Swiss Federal Council has to act now, before the United States puts this issue back on the agenda. Background analysis by Dominique Ursprung in NZZ.
Article in the NZZ(PDF 2,0 MB) (German)
Article in the NZZ (online, Pay-Wall, German)
Swiss Companies Expect the Crisis to Peak at the End of July - ZHAW Manager Barometer Study

27 April 2020
A survey of over 200 Swiss companies conducted by the ZHAW shows: Most of them assume that the worst is yet to come. According to the ZHAW Manager Barometer study, it is primarily economically strong companies that benefit from the corona aid provided by the federal government.
ZHAW Manager Barometer Study (German)
ZHAW Managers Survey - COVID-19
ZHAW Senior Lecturer at the 2019 Kuala Lumpur Summit

19 Februar 2020
At the invitation of Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, several heads of state and government met at the 2019 KL Summit last December. Khaldoun Dia-Eddine, a senior lecturer at ZHAW, was invited to present his research on the digital revolution and Muslim countries.
ZHAW Senior Lecturer at the 2019 Kuala Lumpur Summit
Interview with ZHAW Lecturer Khaldoun Dia-Eddine

20 November 2019
Khaldoun Dia-Eddine recently accompanied a group of IEMBA students on a study trip to Jordan. We asked him a few questions.
Donald Trump Quotes Study by ZHAW SML Faculty Member

28 June 2019
Current U.S. trade policy can be potentially positive for the U.S. economy - but only under certain conditions.With his study «Who is Paying for the Trade War with China?» senior researcher Benedikt Zoller-Rydzek has attracted the attention of no less than the President of the United States of America.
Donald Trump Quotes Study by ZHAW SML Faculty Member (German)
Post-Brexit Study for the Scottish Parliament

14 November 2018
How might the division of responsibilities within the United Kingdom look after withdrawal from the EU? And how can Scotland bring its interests to bear on UK foreign policy? A new study by the ZHAW School of Management and Law which demonstrates the Swiss approach met with great interest in Edinburgh.
Post-Brexit Study for the Scottish Parliament (German)
Why Swiss CEOs are the First to Cut Jobs

30 September 2018
Almost all new CEOs of Swiss corporations are the first to cut jobs. It's about money, power and psychology, economists say. Dr. Florian Keller on the subject of new bosses and job cuts.
SRF 10 vor 10
Broadcast on 25 September 2018:
Dr. Florian Keller on "Schweiz ade, Novartis verlagert Stellen ins Ausland" (Farewell, Switzerland. Novartis is moving jobs abroad)

Seminar for Lugano Police Corps

18 July 2016
How do you explain the ban on concealment to Arab guests?
Since 1 July 2016, a ban on concealment has been in force in Ticino. During a seminar, the Lugano police corps learned how to enforce the law without offending Arab guests.
Seminar for Lugano Police Corps (German)
Iran: Useful Insights into an Opening Market

1 February 2016
With the lifting of some layers of sanctions against Iran on 16 January 2016, investors all over the world are standing in line to profit from the opening of the biggest market since the fall of the USSR.
But how does one get to the right contacts, information, and business opportunities?
Iran: Useful Insights into an Opening Market
Dia-Eddine, Khaldoun, 2022. Experiencing digital storytelling In: Yülek, Murat; Wissema, Johan G., Hrsg., Towards third generation learning and teaching : contours of the new learning. London: Anthem Press.
Habegger, Beat, 2022. Securing the Future: The Use of Strategic Foresight in the Security Sector. Strategic Security Analysis, Issue 23, 2022, Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy.
Keller, Florian; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2022. Trade and attitude towards the EU: what really matters. European Foreign Affairs Review. 27(1), S. 127-154.
Ursprung, Dominique; Ziltener, Patrick, 2021. Showdown um die Freihandelszone CPTPP. Die Volkswirtschaft. 2021(11), S. 46-47.
Egger, Peter H.; Strecker, Nora M.; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2020. Estimating bargaining-related tax advantages of multinational firms. Journal of International Economics.122 (103258). Verfügbar unter:
Ursprung, Dominique; Ziltener, Patrick, 2020. Die neuen Mega-Regionals in Asien-Pazifik setzen die Schweiz unter Handlungsdruck. Ökonomenstimme. Verfügbar unter:
Farley, Michael; Keller, Florian; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2020. Schweizer Unternehmen in der Corona-Krise: Durchstehen statt Adaptieren. Ökonomenstimme. Verfügbar unter:
Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt; Keller, Florian, 2020. COVID-19: guaranteed loans and zombie firms. Verfügbar unter:
Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt; Keller, Florian, 2020. COVID-19: guaranteed loans and zombie firms. CESifo Economic Studies. 66(4), S. 322-364. Verfügbar unter:
Egger, Peter H.; Kaynak, Pinar; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2020. Indirect effects of trade shocks on Turkish local labor markets. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 2020(83), S. 103537. Verfügbar unter:
Keller, Florian, 2020. University of applied sciences: an important part of the Swiss education and research. University Industry Innovation Magazine. 2020(1), S. 4-7.
Ursprung, Dominique, 2020. «Herr Bohne». Swiss Export Journal. 2020(1), S. 12-13.
Dia-Eddine, Khaldoun, 2019. Creation of a framework to advance high-tech in Islamic countries. In: KL Summit 2019, Advance High‐Tech, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-21 December 2019.
Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt; Lassmann, Andrea, 2019. Decomposing the margins of transfer pricing. In: 1st Workshop of the Swiss Network on Public Economics, Zürich, 13 December 2019.
Lassmann, Andrea; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2019. Decomposing the margins of transfer pricing. KOF Working Papers; 450. Zürich: ETH Zürich. Verfügbar unter:
Egger, Peter; Strecker, Nora; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2019. Grossunternehmen : tiefere Steuersätze dank höherer Verhandlungsmacht. Ökonomenstimme. Verfügbar unter:
Felbermayr, Gabriel; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2019. Der US-Chinesische Handelskonflikt: wer trägt die Kosten?. Ökonomenstimme. Verfügbar unter:
Yildiz, Selim Baha; Dia-Eddine, Khaldoun, 2019. Market response to the addition and deletion of participation index: evidence from Turkey. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance. 12(4), S. 211-224. Verfügbar unter:
Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt; Felbermayr, Gabriel, 2018. Wer bezahlt Trumps Handelskrieg mit China?. IFO Schnelldienst. 7(22), S. 30-35. Verfügbar unter:
Dia-Eddine, Khaldoun, 2018. L’éducation et le cycle de vie de la smart cité. In: IC-AIRES2018: 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza (Algeria), 24-26 November 2018.
Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt; Felbermayr, Gabriel, 2018. Who is paying for the Trade War with China?. EconPol Policy Brief. 2018(11), S. 1-15. Verfügbar unter:
Keller, Florian, 2018. Standortförderung: die Grossen schwingen jetzt die Peitsche. Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Verfügbar unter:
Keller, Florian; Ebnöther, Christoph; Ursprung, Dominique, 2018. Training a new workforce for a service economy. Amsterdam: University Industry Innovation Network.
Boesenberg, Simon; Egger, Peter; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2017. Capital taxation, investment, growth, and welfare. International Tax and Public Finance. 25(2), S. 325-376. Verfügbar unter:
Ursprung, Dominique, 2015. Innovation in vocational education and training among Swiss companies in Shanghai [Poster]. In: SML Doktoranden Community Research Colloquium, Winterthur, 1. Oktober 2015. ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Verfügbar unter:
Khalili, Nasrin R.; Ehrlich, David; Dia-Eddine, Khaldoun, 2013. A qualitative multi-criteria, multi stakeholder decision making tool for sustainable waste management. Progress in Industrial Ecology. 8(1/2), S. 114-134. Verfügbar unter: