International Networks

The Global Business School Network (GBSN) was founded in 2003 by the World Bank as an independent non-profit organization based in Washington, DC (USA).
GBSN works closely with business schools, industry, foundations, and aid organizations with the goal of educating responsible managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs.
The GBSN organization develops activities, programs, and projects to generate new knowledge, share international experiences, and build global relationships among its members.
Current programs and projects include:
- Impact Communities
- Student Competitions
- Anti-Corruption Partnership Program
- Microlearning Instructional Design Program
- Case Writing Grant Program


Responsible Research for Business and Management (RRBM) maintains and promotes research activities in business and management. RRBM is supported by partner organizations such as AACSB, EFMD, PRME, GRLI, and numerous business schools worldwide. RRBM members are committed to increasing their use of responsible research and bringing it into the classroom to create a better business world and, through that, a better world.


The European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA is a higher-education alliance of European countries for creating a common model of a European engineer in today’s society.
It aims to strengthen the link between engineering and society as a whole. EELISA receives research funding from the EU’s Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programs for its research projects, through which members can participate and exchange ideas in workshops. The ZHAW School of Management and Law and the ZHAW School of Engineering are members of EELISA.
You can find out more on the ZHAW's main information page

The ZHAW School of Management and Law is a member of the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI). The GRLI is a worldwide partnership of business schools, companies, and NGOs committed to training and promoting responsible leaders. The GRLI was founded in 2004 by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and the UN Global Compact, and today, it comprises almost 800 partner organizations.
Current GRLI projects and activities include developing teachers, organizing business summits and academic conferences, a program for young ambassadors, and researching 21st-century companies and business schools.