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School of Engineering

City of Zug

The city of Zug has over 30,000 inhabitants and is located in central Switzerland on Lake Zug. In just 40 years, the city has transformed from a poor region to an important business location with above-average prosperity. However, this rapid development also brings with it problems that the city has to deal with:

Formal organization of the Smart City Initiative: The Smart City theme is located in the urban development. In addition, 50 per cent of the chief computer scientist was recalled for strategic work on Smart City processes. In Zug, each department has a Smart City representative, and together they form a coordination committee. The representatives assume the role of project managers in projects that are subordinate to their departments. In 2019, a Smart City project manager was then appointed, who is prescribed in the IT department. Needs analysis The City of Zug collected ideas within the framework of a needs analysis and then prioritised them. An Excel spreadsheet was made available to all departments, where they could then record ideas for projects. For each idea a responsible person was named, who then presented the idea to the city council. The city council then decided which projects should be pursued.

Monitoring: Every two to three months, the Urban Development Department inquires with the project managers about progress and any problems. In addition, a notebook based on MS OneNote was created, which can be accessed by all those involved, enabling them to enter the status of the projects on the one hand and to gain an overview on the other. A challenge was the constant updating of the current projects and reservations of certain employees towards the OneNote program.

Further information:, 

Contact Person:

Regula Kaiser

Officer for urban development and city marketing

