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Prof. Dr. Caroline Lehr

Prof. Dr. Caroline Lehr

Prof. Dr. Caroline Lehr

ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics
Institute of Multilingual Communication
Theaterstrasse 15c
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 42 89

Work at ZHAW



  • Translation processes and multilingual text production
  • Multilingualism in companies and organisations
  • Use of artificial intelligence in multilingual communication and AI literacy
  • Cognition, emotion and motivation in multilingual communication and the language professions


  • Multilingualism and Technology
  • Theory & Practice of Translation
  • Introduction to the Methodology of Applied Linguistics
  • Post-editing, MT literacy and Quality Assurance in Multilingual Text Production
  • Communication Studies: Multilingualism in the Swiss Media, The Language Industry of the Future
  • Research methods: Observation and Behavioral Measurement
  • Emotional Intelligence and Career Design in the Language and Communication Professions


  • Lecturer, research associate
    Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
    02 / 2018 - 06 / 2022
  • Postdoctoral researcher
    Language & Cognition Laboratory, Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London
    05 / 2016 - 12 / 2017
  • Visiting researcher
    Center for Research and Innovation in Translation and Translation Technology, Department of International Business Communication, Copenhagen Business School
    10 / 2015 - 03 / 2016
  • Translator (English/French/Italian - German)
    01 / 2007 - 08 / 2015
  • Lecturer, teaching and research assistant, boursière d'excellence
    Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Geneva
    09 / 2006 - 08 / 2013
  • Scientific traineeships
    Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva; Laboratory of Experimental Neuropsychology, Geneva University Hospitals
    10 / 2006 - 07 / 2010
  • Professional Traineeships
    European Commission, Directorate General for Translation, Brussels; Swiss Federal Chancellery, Central Language Services, Bern; Groupe Mutuel Health Insurance, Communications and translation department, Martigny
    07 / 2005 - 08 / 2007

Education and Continuing education


  • PhD (summa cum laude) / Psychology of Language & Translation Studies (Title: "The influence of emotion on language performance")
    University of Geneva
    07 / 2010 - 09 / 2014
  • Doctoral school / Affective Sciences
    University of Geneva
    07 / 2010 - 09 / 2013
  • Master of Advanced Studies / Psycholinguistics
    University of Geneva
    09 / 2006 - 07 / 2008
  • Master of Arts / Specialized Translation (English/French/Italian - German)
    University of Geneva
    09 / 2002 - 07 / 2006

Continuing Education

  • CAS in Higher and Professional Education
    Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, ZHAW School of Management and Law
    12 / 2022
  • Intensive Course in Translation Technology
    Centre for Translation Studies, University College London
    08 / 2017


Membership of networks

ORCID digital identifier

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1690-5117

Media presence



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Books and monographs, peer-reviewed
Book parts, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Oral conference contributions and abstracts

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW

  • Mouthon, Michael; Khateb, Asaid; Lazeyras, François; Pegna, Alan J.; Lee-Jahnke, Hannelore; Lehr, Caroline; Annoni, Jean-Marie, 2019. Second-language proficiency modulates the brain language control network in bilinguals: an even-related fMRI-study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 2020; 23(2):251-264.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2017. How can affective neuroscience shape the language classroom? A critical approach to examples of brain-based learning elements. In: Framing Minds Conference – English and Affective Neuroscience, October 2017, Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, Naples.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2016. Emotion, motivation, stress, uncertainty. A closer look at the concepts and an interdisciplinary research agenda. In: Congress of the European Society of Translation Studies (EST), September 2016, Aarhus.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2015. Emotional intelligence skills as a key to enhance translators’ employability and performance. In: Translating Europe Forum, Directorate General for Translation, European Commission, October 2015, Brussels.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2014. The relevance of emotion for professional translation and translation studies. In: Baur, Wolfram; Eichner, Brigitte; Kalina, Sylvia; Kessler, Norma; Mayer, Felix; Ørsted, Jeanette (eds.), Man vs. Machine? Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mensch und Maschine, Proceedings of the XXth FIT World Congress. Berlin: BDÜ Fachverlag, pp. 601-606.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2014. What are emotions? And why should translators care about them? In: XXth World Congress of the International Federation of Translators, August 2014, Berlin.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2014. When emotion dictates how we say what we say - Integrating evidence for influences of emotional states on language processing. In: Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting (ABIM), 12-January 2014, Champéry.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2014. The influence of emotion on language performance - Study of a neglected determinant of decision-making in professional translators. PhD-Dissertation, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting/Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva.
  • Lehr, Caroline; Shuman, Vera, 2013. The influence of emotion on key performance indicators in professional translation. In: Biannual meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion, 20-July 2013, Berkeley.
  • Ogarkova, Anna; Soriano, Cristina; Lehr, Caroline, 2012. Naming Feeling. Exploring the equivalence of emotion terms in five European languages. In: Wilson, Paul, ed., Dynamicity in Emotion Concepts (Lodz Studies in Language Vol. 27). Frankfurt, New York: Peter Lang, pp. 253-284.
  • Ogarkova, Anna; Soriano, Cristina; Lehr, Caroline, 2012. Cultural specificity in labelling emotional scenarios: a case study of ANGER, SHAME, PRIDE and GUILT in five European languages. In: Shakhovskyy, Victor I., ed., Human communication: Strategies, Motives, Tactics. Volgograd: Peremena, pp. 71-84.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2012. Beyond Cognition - Affective responses to feedback and their impact on translation performance in a group of Master students. In: DidTrad – International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, July 2012, Barcelona.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2012. The happier, the better? Exploring the impact of positive and negative affect on performance in translation. In: International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, June 2012, Barcelona.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2011. Emotions in Translation: Towards an empirical investigation. In: International Conference on Translator and Interpreter Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, June 2011, Beijing.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2010. Psycholinguistik, Übersetzungswissenschaft und Expertiseforschung im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Forschung. In: Gile, Daniel; Hansen, Gyde; Pokorn, Nike, eds., Why Translation Studies matters. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 211-221.
  • Soriano, Cristina; Ogarkova, Anna; Lehr, Caroline, 2010. Different ways of being angry. Intra-categorical variation in the metaphorical conceptualization of emotion. In: Figuring the World, 7th AELCO International Conference, October 2010, Almagro.
  • Khateb, Asaid; Mouthon, Michael; Simon, Stéphane R., Pegna, Alan J.; Lazeyras, F.; Lehr, Caroline; Lee-Jahnke, Hannelore; Annoni, Jean-Marie, 2010. Semantic processing in bilinguals: an event-related fMRI investigation using a word categorization task. In: Human Brain Mapping Meeting (HMB), June 2010, Barcelona.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2009. Limits and perspectives in interdisciplinary fMRI research on bilingualism: a case study. In: Eye-to-IT Conference, Copenhagen Business School, May 2009, Copenhagen.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2007. Die Förderung und Nutzung der Automatisierung von Teilprozessen in der Didaktik - Am Beispiel eines Kurses der Übersetzungsmethodik. Translation Studies in the New Millenium, Vol. 5, pp. 91-102.
  • Lehr, Caroline, 2007. Semantische Priming-Effekte bei Übersetzern. In: Schmitt, Peter A. & Jüngst, Heike (eds.), Translationsqualität (Leipziger Studien zur Angewandten Linguistik und Translatologie, Bd. 5). Frankfurt, New York: Peter Lang, CD-Rom.