Digital Futures Lab

A brief explanation of the Digital Futures Lab
1. What are the community’s objectives?
The Digital Futures Lab (DFL) is a ZHAW-internal community for digital shapers. These are members of the ZHAW who are helping to shape the digital transformation in society or at the ZHAW, or who are paving the way for this to happen. Overview of the DFL’s objectives: (for further information, move the cursor over the green icons):

2. Where can I get an insight into the community’s activities?
would prefer to exchange ideas and information with the community in a live setting, we would be delighted to welcome you at our social events, which are usually held on a monthly basis in our Nüü event space. These social events provide us with the opportunity to get to know and inspire each other or simply to enjoy a chat while being served a drink by a robot.
A large part of what the DFL does is also visible on the Beekeeper communication platform. This is where members introduce themselves, share their expertise, report on project ideas or initiatives and network with one another. However, access is restricted to community members.

Should I join the community?
1. What are the benefits of membership?
Members of the Digital Futures Lab benefit from an outstanding network, straightforward forms of collaboration as well as very specific and exclusive funding opportunities. They use the community in order to further optimise their own work. You can find out what these funding opportunities look like here:
2. Join the community
Would you like to be part of the Digital Futures Lab? Then sign up here. Please note that the registration process can take several days. It doesn't matter whether you work in research or education or are driving digital transformation at the ZHAW administration. Everyone is welcome to join the DFL. If you would like to see certain people in the community, you are welcome to forward the registration page to them:
3. What do I have to do as a member of the community?
DFL members make an active contribution to the community with their expertise, personality and network. In doing so, they generate added value for other members and help ensure that the community remains active and a source of inspiration. For a look behind the scenes of the DFL and for inspiration on how such added value for the community can specifically look like, you can visit the following page:
The Digital Shaper Award
1. What is the Digital Shaper Award?
The Digital Shaper Award is an annual accolade presented to DFL members who make an outstanding contribution in the areas of engagement and impact:
The Engagement Award
The Engagement Award sees the community honour individuals who breathe life into the community through their personality and outstanding level of commitment.
The Impact Award
With the Impact Award, the community recognises members whose projects and initiatives are impacting the digital transformation, either at the ZHAW or in society.
2. How does the voting for the Digital Shaper Award work?
Community members can nominate each other for the award and vote for the nominees via the “Goodgrants” platform. If you don't have an account yet, you can register with your ZHAW e-mail address and a personal password. Detailed information on the voting process can be found on the platform.
- The date of the nomination for the DSA 25 will be announced soon!
- Voting for the DSA 25 has not yet begun.
3. Where can I find the winners of the Digital Shaper Award?
The winners are duly celebrated at the ceremony and immortalised with a portrait in the Hall of Fame.
Do you have any questions about the DFL? You can contact the community management at any time at the following address:
Are you unsure whether the community is right for you? Then you can write to the following contact on MS Teams for an information meeting:

Ricardo Daniel Fariña (
“I am responsible for the strategic direction and operational tasks of the community.”