Lars Grammel

Data Preparation - The Key to Successful Data Science
Abstract – Data preparation can take up between 60% and 80% of the time spent in data science projects and is crucial for the success of such projects. In this talk, the different data preparation activities such as data discovery, structuring, cleaning, enriching and validating are examined, challenges are highlighted, and combinations of intelligent algorithms and user interfaces to speed up data preparation are explored.
Biography – Lars is the manager of the German office of Trifacta, a San Francisco-based startup that is the leader in the data transformation space. At Trifacta, he has led the development of central functionality for each major Trifacta release starting with the first private beta release. In 2015, he has started and built out the Trifacta office in Berlin. Lars holds a PhD in computer science (specializing in data visualization) from University of Victoria, Canada, and a Master's degree in computer science (specializing in software engineering) from RWTH Aachen University, Germany.