SDS Deep Learning Day 2016

Abstract – The SDS Deep Learning Day is a pre-conference tutorial workshop to the SDS 2016 focusing on deep learning. It will be held on Thursday September 15th 2016 on the ZHAW campus in Winterthur. While the exact schedule is not fix yet and depends on the community contribution, we plan to have an extensive hands-on tutorial on a recent deep learning framework (probably Google TensorFlow). Further there will be ample opportunities for the practitioner of deep learning to share their experiences and thoughts.
Schedules and further details can be found at
Costs – CHF 50.-
The number of participants is limited to 50. -- SOLD OUT --
"Deep Learning with focus on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)"
Oliver Dürr, ZHAW School of Engineering
Efi Kokiopoulou, Luciano Sbaiz, Google
"DeepLearning4j on top of Apache Spark"
Romeo Kienzler, IBM
"Deep Learning with KNIME"
David Kolb, KNIME