About us

“Welcome to the ZHAW! It is very important to me, as President, that we effectively employ our application-oriented and academic competence in the spheres of teaching, research, continuing education and services. This brings benefits to everybody – to our students, our business partners, our clients and our employees.”
Prof. Dr. Regula Jöhl, President of ZHAW
Our university is one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. In our work in research and development, the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences concentrates on important societal challenges, with a particular focus on energy and social integration. With locations in Winterthur, Zurich and Wädenswil, the ZHAW is firmly integrated in the local region whilst also collaborating with international partners. There are eight Schools in the University: Applied Linguistics; Applied Psychology; Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering; Engineering; School of Health Sciences; Life Sciences and Facility Management; Management and Law; and Social Work.