Social sustainability
As a public institution, the ZHAW acts as a role model for social sustainability. It is committed to a fair distribution of roles, equal opportunities and fewer social burdens.
Centre for Occupational Health Management

The Occupational Health Management Unit offers sustainable solutions for practical questions on the topic of work and health.
Centre for Occupational Health Management (in German only)
Diversity Unit

The Diversity Unit implements equal opportunities at the ZHAW and anchors them permanently in the organisation’s structures.
Diversity Unit (in German only)
Student Commissions
The Student Commission for Sustainable Development (NaKt) mobilises for more sustainability at the ZHAW. It is the contact for all matters relating to sustainability in the Alias - Students of the ZHAW association and is actively involved in raising awareness of sustainability issues among ZHAW students.
- Student Commission for Sustainable Development (NaKt) (in German only)
The Student Diversity Commission is the student contact point for diversity issues, creates awareness, and maintains an exchange with the ZHAW Diversity Unit. The three intersections Q+, ZHAWoman and BIPOC form forums for exchange and the development of specific diversity topics.
- Student Commission Diversity (in German only)