Student accommodation
In Winterthur, Zurich and Wädenswil, various organisations offer reasonably priced accommodation for ZHAW students. The SWOWI Foundation has the widest range and is the first place to look.
Accomodation for regular students

In Winterthur, the SWOWI Foundation (Studentischer Wohnraum Winterthur, Student Accommodation in Winterthur) offers about 280 rooms for ZHAW students. WOKO (Studentische Wohngenossenschaft Zürich, Student Housing Cooperative, Zurich) manages and runs all SWOWI properties and its own student houses in Winterthur on the Bürglistrasse 21/23 with 77 units. The Türmlihuus student dorm at Technikumstrasse 36 is also part of WOKO, but recruits its tenants itself. Livit AG also offers 105 rooms on the Untere Briggerstrasse. Ten furnished rooms in two houses (five rooms per house) are offered by "Students Home".

The SWOWI Foundation offers rooms for ZHAW students in the Wädenswil area. WOKO (Studentische Wohngenossenschaft Zürich, Student Housing Cooperative, Zurich) manages and runs the SWOWI properties.
Another option is the Titania Haus, which is run by a cooperative of the Titania student alumni association. You do not need to be a member of the student association to live in the Titania Haus.

For accommodation in Zurich, please consult the following links: WOKO (Studentische Wohngenossenschaft Zürich) and Jugendwohnnetz (in German).
Accomodation for incoming students
A number of furnished rooms at Gärtnerstrasse 4 in Winterthur and Meierhofstrasse 1/3 in Wädenswil are available for incoming students. These can be rented for six or twelve-month periods and they are managed by the ZHAW Registrar’s Office.
Cross-generational living arrangements
“Pro Senectute Kanton Zürich” organises cross-generational living arrangements, calling this “Wohnen für Hilfe”(Living and Helping). Under this arrangement, older people offer students accommodation and in return, instead of money, they receive various kinds of assistance and services. The arrangement is one hour of help per month for every square metre of accommodation.
Further accommodation possibilities
Further accommodation arrangements
Wohnangebot für Incoming Staff
For ZHAW incoming staff, accommodation possibilities in Winterthur and Wädenswil can be seen on the link below.
Wohnangebot für Incoming Staff
For ZHAW incoming staff, accommodation possibilities in Winterthur and Wädenswil can be seen on the link below.