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Research Agenda

Our research agenda covers the following areas and is conducted within the confines of projects executed with industry partners:

R&D Projects

This list gets directly filled from ZHAW's project database. Not all projects may show up due to interlinkage aspects.

Unfortunately, no list of projects can be displayed here at the moment. Until the list is available again, the project search on the ZHAW homepage can be used.

SNF/NRP project: Bio-SODA

One of the major promises of Big Data lies in the simultaneous mining of multiple sources of data. This is particularly important in life sciences, where different and complementary data are scattered across multiple resources. To overcome this issue, the use of RDF/semantic web technology is emerging, but querying these systems often proves to be too complex for most users—thereby hampering wide development and adoption of these technologies.

More information about the project.

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