Sustainability strategy
At the ZHAW, sustainable development is more than just a strategy: it represents a participatory principle of action to be lived and a responsibility existing towards all stakeholders. The sustainability strategy is anchored at the highest level and applies to all performance areas.

Sustainable development at the ZHAW requires cultural, organisational, infrastructural, curricular and didactic developments as well as skills development and, not least, behavioural adjustments among staff and students. The sustainability strategy contains motivating goals and measures for teaching and continuing education, research, knowledge transfer, services, operations and governance. The sustainability strategy is long-term and participatory, combining top-down and bottom-up initiatives. In its efforts, the ZHAW is guided by the DFA's Agenda 2030 with its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals.

"With the ZHAW’s sustainability strategy, we are raising awareness of sustainable lifestyles among staff and students, translating research findings into action and thus contributing to the necessary systemic change."
Regina Betz, Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics, ZHAW School of Management and Law
The full sustainability strategy can be read here:
Social sustainability
In addition to the frequently thematised ecological dimension, the social dimension of sustainable development is also very important.
Green Impact Book
With our Green Impact Book, we are laying the foundation for a Real-Lab, collecting data and taking measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
How and where anchored?
At the ZHAW, sustainable development is firmly anchored in all four service areas.
Social sustainability
Green Impact Book
How and where anchored?
In addition to the frequently thematised ecological dimension, the social dimension of sustainable development is also very important.
With our Green Impact Book, we are laying the foundation for a Real-Lab, collecting data and taking measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
At the ZHAW, sustainable development is firmly anchored in all four service areas.