
The 3rd Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS|2016) - presented by SAP
We are happy to announce the 3rd Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS|2016) in continuation of what has successfully started with the SDS|2014 and SDS|2015 events.
SDS|2016 will take place on the 16th of September 2016 at the Eulachpassage Winterthur (Building TN at ZHAW campus Technikumstrasse). The invitation can be downloaded here(PDF 1,7 MB).
Final Program
SDS|2016 will be designed as a full day event with the flair of a professional business conference, blended with the innovation density of an academic gathering. Several specifically tailored tracks will address relevant topics. Additionally, an increased number of international keynote speakers will present their broad and deep view.
Opening session (9:00 - 10:45)
Keynote on "So you think you have all the data? Causes and consequences of selection bias"
David Hand, Imperial College (Slides(PDF 515,8 KB))
Keynote on "Big Data Integration"
Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, University of Fribourg (Slides(PDF 11,0 MB))
Track 1 (11:15 - 15:45)
"Apache SystemML - Declarative Large-Scale Machine Learning"
Romeo Kienzler, IBM Watson IoT Group WW
Frederick Reiss, IBM Research Almaden
Matthias Rieke, IBM Analytics Platform
Berthold Reinwald, IBM Research Almaden (Slides(PDF 4,6 MB))
"Predictive Analytics on Big Data platform with Native Spark Modeling"
Priti Mulchandani, SAP Switzerland AG
Andreas Forster, SAP Switzerland AG (Slides(PDF 2,5 MB))
"Unlocking the business value of publicly available geo-data"
Sotiris Dimopoulos, Switzerland IT-Logix AG / ETH Zürich
Samuel Rentsch, IT-Logix AG (Slides not available)
"From Idea to Data Product"
Gian-Marco Baschera, Switzerland Zühlke Engineering AG
Sandro Strebel, Bring! Labs AG (Slides(PDF 1,3 MB))
Track 2 (11:15 - 15:45)
Invited talk on "Industry 4.0 – A chance for the Swiss industry: Status and developments"
Robert Rudolph, Swissmem (Slides(PDF 1,7 MB))
"Machine Learning for Freight Train Safety Monitoring"
Gabriel Krummenacher, ETH Zürich (Slides/Video not available)
Keynote on "Mind the Gap! Hype-Cycle versus Business Reality in Data Science (a forecasting perspective)"
Sven F. Crone, Lancaster University Management School (Slides(PDF 8,0 MB))
"Assessing predictive count data distributions"
Stephan Kolassa, SAP Switzerland AG (Slides(PDF 866,7 KB))
Track 3 (11:15 - 15:45)
"Sentiment Analysis - State-of-the-Art in Research and Industry"
Mark Cieliebak, ZHAW School of Engineering (Slides(PDF 2,3 MB))
"What does blockchain mean for data science?"
Paulina Figol, IBM (Slides)
"Show-Case: Rapid Prototyping in Data Science"
Stefan Pauli, LeanBI AG (Slides(PDF 168,8 KB))
"Humans and Algorithms: Creation and Measurement of Economic Value in Demand Forecasting"
Peter Kauf, PrognosiX AG
Thomas Ott, ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management (Slides(PDF 32,7 MB))
Closing session (16:15 - 17:45)
Keynote on "Data Preparation - The Key to Successful Data Science"
Lars Grammel, Trifacta (Slides(PDF 4,1 MB))
Keynote on "Deep Learning RNNaissance"
Jürgen Schmidhuber, IDSIA (Slides/Video coming soon)
Pre-conference workshop
SDS|2016 will be accompanied by the Deep Learning Day on the day before, Wd., 15. September 2016. The workshop runs independently of the main conference and is sold out.
Find the location plan here(PDF 542,9 KB).
The conference will be take place on the 16th of September 2016 again at the Eulachpassage Winterthur (Building TN at ZHAW campus Technikumstrasse), with additional room as compared to 2015.
The venue is located in the heart of the city, a 2 minutes’ walk to the historic city center, 5 minutes’ walk from the central railway station, with a directly attached parking deck.

Exhibition & Sponsoring
We expect strong involvement from industry and offer several sponsoring packages. Please consult the following flyer(PDF 1,3 MB) for details.
Presenting Partner
Organization & Program Committee
Gerold Baudinot, Brigitte Blum-Schneider, Martin Braschler, Mark Cieliebak, Oliver Dürr, Melanie Imhof, Andreas Ruckstuhl, Thilo Stadelmann, Kurt Stockinger