Dr. oec. HSG Albena Björck

Dr. oec. HSG Albena Björck
School of Management and Law
International Management Institute
Theaterstrasse 17
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
- Senior Lecturer and Researcher
- Dr. Albena Björck is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher. She is the leading lecturer in the flagship program, MSc International Business (Financial Times Top 50). Her research focus lies in the context of corporate purpose and global purpose-driven organizations and the domains of strategic management, change, foresight and longevity. Albena’s interest lies also in interdisciplinary research and teaching. She is affiliated with Stanford University Center for Design Research and holds a PhD from the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) in Strategic Management. In recent years, she is developing strategic corporate-academia collaborations with leading multinational companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Logitech, Clariant, ASMPT, Deloitte etc. for education and research projects.
- Albena has teaching experience in all university levels - bachelor, master, executive (MBA, MAS BA, CAS) as well as corporate custom education. She has supervised more than 130 theses. 2020 she, as a member of the MSc International Business faculty, was awarded the Best Teaching Award of the ZHAW School of Management and Law.
- Björck has a wide professional and academic network. 2021 she was elected as member of the management team, and from 2024 as a Chair of SIG “Strategic Management” at the European Academy of Management and manages her own track “Purpose-driven Strategies”. Since 2022 is she Expert of the Swiss Innovation Agency – InnoSuisse. She is Board Member of the initiatives Go Circular in Life Sciences. Since 2023 is she founding and board member-at-large of the International Crisis and Risk Communication Association, based in the US.
- Prior to Academia, Dr. Björck spent around twenty years in international business practice. Half of the period she has spent in Senior Leadership in the Swiss financial industry. She has a track record of establishing and managing successful organizational functions in a dynamic and demanding environment. Furthermore, she has unique experience and direct management involvement in fast-paced corporate branding, transformational and crisis management, and communications. In the last ten years, Dr. Björck is a consultant and executive coach for more then 500 start-ups, established organizations and governmental agencies.
- Head of Corporate Education (2015-2018) : Development and project management of corporate universities and other customized executive programs. Full responsibility for the acquisition, set-up, and delivery of two custom corporate programs targeting C-level and high potentials for a leading multinational steel manufacturer (Budget ca. 500K). Coaching and advisory in international skills development and organizational learning. Didactic design of organizational topics, leadership and transformational skills and simulation games.
- MSc International Business
- Master of Business Administration
- MAS Business Administration
Professional development teaching
- Management consulting, independent advisory, and sounding board to executive management and board of directors, focusing on: strategic communication, branding, change and crisis management and communications, marketing management. Industries of current focus: education, financial industry, healthcare, telecommunication, retailtech.
2013 - today - Lecturer and Executive Coach: Strategic Change, Employee Engagement and Crisis Communication
MAZ, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
2013 - 2013 - National and International Media Relations for President of the Swiss Private Bankers Association & Chair of the Board of the NZZ Media Group.
2008 - 2013 - Leiterin Kommunikation und Medienbeauftragte während der gerichtlichen Auseinandersetzung und des Vergleichs mit den US-Behörden - Leiterin Corporate Communications (inkl. Gründung, Verkauf an Raiffeisen Schweiz und Positionierung der Notenstein Privatbank) - Leiterin Marketing & Corporate Identity & Quality Management
Wegelin & Co. Private Bankers
2000 - 2013 - Research Associate and associated PhD-candidate
University of St. Gallen, Institute for Marketing & Retail Management,
2000 - 2006
Education and Continuing education
- Design Thinking & Creativity for Business / Design Thinking, Innovation processes
2020 - 2020 - CAS Higher and Professional Education / Didactics
ZHAW School of Management and Law
2015 - 2016 - Dr. oec. HSG (Strategic Management) / Strategic Management
University of St. Gallen (HSG
09 / 2000 - 09 / 2006 - Studies of Business Administration, Strategic and Marketing Management. / Strategic and Marketing Management (BWL)
University of St. Gallen (HSG)
09 / 1999 - 09 / 2000 - MSc International Relations - Studies of Economy and Diplomacy. / International Relations
University of National and World Economy, Sofia/Bulgaria:
09 / 1993 - 09 / 1997
Membership of networks
- International Crisis and Risk Communication Association
- InnoSuisse Experts
- Go Circular in Life Science
- Women for the Board
ORCID digital identifier
- Best Paper Award Strategic Management General Track
SIG Strategic Management European Academy of Management
06 / 2024 - Best Paper SIG Strategic Management General Track
European Academy of Management
06 / 2022 - 3rd place for Best Conference Paper
International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference
03 / 2021 - Best Teaching Award MSc International Business (FT Ranked)
ZHAW School of Management and Law
10 / 2020 - 2nd Place for Best Conference Paper
International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference
03 / 2020
Social media
Media presence
- "Business Searching for Meaning - only a marketing trick?" (2024), big interview in Schaffhauser Nachrichten
- "Every Crisis is an Opportunity for Renewal and Resilience" (2023), interview in NOVACura Magazine
- The Role of Purpose-driven Organizations: Why do we need a circular economy now?" (2023), interview in Schaffhauser Wirtschaft
- "With courage and open mind towards the modern world of work", interview with Die Wirtschaftsfrau
- "This was the year 2022: Crisis communication is a top management task" (2022), interview Perönlich Magazine
- "Corona Pandemic - Accelerator for Innovation'" (2021), Clinicum - The Swiss Life Sciences and Health Care Magazine
- Business Development between Theory and Practice (2020), KMU Magazin
- "Corporate Education : betriebsinterne Weiterbildung nach Mass" (2017), KMU Magazin
- "Strategic Crisis Communication is a professional Crisis Communication" (2017), Magazine Management & Quality
- Purpose-driven Design and Innovation at Logitech: Research and Global Classroom / Project leader / laufend
- Diagnosing and mitigating behavioural cyber risks / Project leader / laufend
- International Business Innovation / Project leader / abgeschlossen
Bläse, Richard; Filser, Matthias; Weise,Jana; Björck, Albena; Puumalainen,Kaisu,
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2939
Björck, Albena; Bläse, Richard; Bastida,Paulina,
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
32(3), pp. e12614.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12614
Barthelmess, Petra; Björck, Albena; Gysin, Emanuel; Dela Cruz, Jeremy,
Preparing agile transformation : a framework for assessment of the organizational culture readiness.
Journal of Applied Business and Economics.
23(6), pp. 232-246.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.33423/jabe.v23i6.4689
Kendzia, Michael Jan; Björck, Albena,
The digital revolution and the organization of work : contemporary management techniques.
Advances in Applied Sociology.
8(3), pp. 212-232.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.4236/aasoci.2018.83013
Björck, Albena,
Crisis typologies revisited : an interdisciplinary approach.
Central European Business Review.
5(3), pp. 25-37.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.18267/j.cebr.156
Björck, Albena; Gadgil, Maya,
Marrying crisis preparation and strategic planning
Diers-Lawson, Audra; Schwarz, Andreas; Meissner, Florian; Ravazzani, Silvia, eds.,
Risk and crisis communication in Europe : towards integrating theory and practice in unstable and turbulent times.
pp. 28-37.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003375296-4
Björck, Albena; Guhl, Selina,
Rodríguez-Salcedo, Natalia; Moreno, Ángeles; Einwiller, Sabine; Recalde, Mónica, eds.,
(Re)discovering the Human Element in Public Relations and Communication Management in Unpredictable Times.
pp. 99-121.
Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management ; 6.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1108/S2398-391420230000006007
Steller,Nicole; Björck, Albena,
Extending strategifying by cultural coupling : purposefying led by chief purpose officers [paper].
Academy of Management Proceedings.
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, USA, 9-13 August 2024.
Academy of Management.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.13671abstract
Tushman,Michael L.; Volberda,Henk W.; Di Minin,Alberto; Bushe,Gervase R.; Björck, Albena; Pregmark,Johanna E.; Gionfriddo,Gianluca; Fredberg,Tobias,
Purpose-driven strategic renewal, open innovation & generative change : models, governance, practice [paper].
Academy of Management Proceedings.
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, USA, 9-13 August 2024.
Academy of Management.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.12103symposium
Björck, Albena; Bläse, Richard; Schoch, David,
A process perspective on purpose : a systematic literature review on purpose-driven transformation [paper].
83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 4-8 August 2023.
Academy of Management.
Björck, Albena; Sievers, Henrik; Ainamo, Antti; Hacklin, Fredrik; Salo, Jari,
Winning over the market orientation trap : a dynamic process model of market orientation evolution [paper].
Academy of Management Proceedings.
82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, USA, 5-9 August 2022.
Academy of Management.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.15608abstract
Gadgil, Maya; Guhl, Selina; Björck, Albena,
Proceedings of the Global Fashion Management Conference 2021.
Global Fashion Management Conference, Seoul, Korea, 5-7 November 2021.
Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations.
pp. 231-235.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.15444/GFMC2021.04.02.01
Duma, Fabio; Björck, Albena,
Monaco Symposium on Luxury 2021 : Managing Luxury Brands : Past, Present & Future.
4th Edition of the Monaco Symposium on Luxury 2021.
pp. 13.
Björck, Albena; Carvajal-Ramirez, Michelle,
2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul Proceedings.
Global Marketing Conference 2020, Seoul (Virtual Conference), 5-8 November 2020.
pp. 174-177.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.15444/GMC2020.02.05.02
Barthelmess, Petra; Björck, Albena; Gysin, Emanuel; Dela Cruz, Jeremy,
Organizational culture readiness for agile [paper].
20th EURAM Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 4-6 December 2020.
Björck, Albena; Barthelmess, Petra,
Proceedings of the International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference.
International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference, Orlando, USA, 9-11 March 2020.
Nicholson School of Communication and Media.
pp. 17-20.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.30658/icrcc.2020.4
Björck, Albena; Barthelmess, Petra,
Internal crisis communication and corporate culture : forging the links [paper].
ERAZ 2019 Conference Proceedings.
5th International Conference – ERAZ 2019 - Knowledge Based Sustainable Development, Budapest, Hungary, 23 May 2019.
Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.
pp. 215-222.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.31410/ERAZ.2019.215
Björck, Albena,
Interdisciplinary understanding of a crisis : towards an international crisis classification matrix [paper].
4th International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2018 Conference Proceedings.
ERAZ 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, 7 June 2018.
Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.
pp. 323-329.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.31410/eraz.2018.323
Björck, Albena; Pugnetti, Carlo,
International Crisis & Risk Communication Conference (ICRCC), Orlando, USA, 11-13 March 2024.
Casián, Carlos; Pugnetti, Carlo; Björck, Albena,
Swiss IT Magazine.
2022(5), pp. 44-46.
Björck, Albena; Diers-Lawson, Audra; Dücrey, Felix,
Proceedings of the International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference.
12th International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference (ICRCC), Orlando, USA, 7-9 March 2022.
Nicholson School of Communication and Media.
pp. 27-30.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.30658/icrcc.2022.06
Björck, Albena; Sievers, Henrik; Ainamo, Antti; Hacklin, Fredrik; Salo, Jari,
22nd EURAM Annual Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 June 2022.
Björck, Albena; Colleli, Daniele,
Business Development zwischen Theorie und Praxis.
KMU Magazin.
2020(11/12), pp. 2-5.
Björck, Albena; Vervoort Isler, Petronella,
Aus- und Weiterbildung I : corporate education : betriebsinterne Weiterbildung nach Mass.
KMU Magazin.
2017(10), pp. 10-13.
Björck, Albena,
Interne Krisenkommunikation : Herausforderungen, Ziele und Lösungsansätze.
KMU Magazin.
2017(5), pp. 88-91.
Available from: https://www.kmu-magazin.ch/wissen/forschung-entwicklung/herausforderungen-ziele-und-loesungsansaetze
Björck, Albena,
Strategische Krisenkommunikation : professionelle Krisenkommunikation.
Management und Qualität.
46(5), pp. 20-21.
Available from: https://www.saq.ch/mq/
Björck, Albena,
Wenn die Kommunikation eine Krise auslöst.
KMU Magazin.
2017(6/7), pp. 94-96.
Björck, Albena; Pregmark,Johanna,
International Crisis & Risk Communication Conference (ICRCC), Orlando, USA, 11-13 March 2024.
Gulati, Ranjay; Volberda, Henk W.; Lleo, Alvaro; Pregmark, Johanna E.; Björck, Albena; Fredberg, Tobias; Hacklin, Fredrik,
Purpose-driven innovation and transformation : trajectories, mechanisms, and the human impact.
83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 4-8 August 2023.
Björck, Albena; Pugnetti, Carlo; Casian, Carlos,
European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 September 2022.
Björck, Albena,
Purpose-driven or purpose-washing : the multiple facets of purpose and its strategic implications.
22nd EURAM Annual Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 June 2022.
Björck, Albena; Guhl, Selina; Sticher, Robin,
EUPRERA 2021 Annual Congress, Pamplona, Spain, 7-9 October 2021.
Björck, Albena; Scholze, Frederike,
International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference (ICRCC), Orlando, USA, 8-10 March 2021.
Nichols, Keisha; Farley, Michael; Björck, Albena,
Innovation through partnership.
2020 AIEA Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA, 16-19 February 2020.