Fabienne Schmidli

Fabienne Schmidli
School of Management and Law
Center for Arts Management
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
- Deputy Head Center for Arts Management
- Lecturer
- Coordination Continuing Education Portfolio, Center for Arts Management
- Member of the SML Commission for Continuing Education
- Head of Studies DAS Fundraising Management, CAS Fundraising Operations, CAS Fundraising Strategies, CAS Event-Management, CAS Sponsoring Management
- Head of Courses WBK Basics Fundraising Management & Empowerment im Stiftungsfundraising
NPO Management, Fundraising and Philanthropy Management, Future Trends, New Work, Evaluation, Live-Communication
- MSc Business Administration, Specialization Public and Nonprofit Management
- BSc Business Administration, Specialization Economics and Politics / Public Management
Education and Continuing education
- MSc in Business Administration with a Major in Public and Nonprofit Management
ZHAW School of Management and Law
09 / 2017 - 08 / 2019 - BA UZH in Social Sciences, Communication and Media Studies, Political Sciences
University of Zurich
09 / 2014 - 08 / 2017
Continuing Education
- The R Bootcamp - R for Statistics
University of Basel
04 / 2019 - Finance and Banking in a European Context
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
07 / 2017
Membership of networks
- Swissfundraising // Vice President
- Beta Gamma Sigma - The International Business Honor Society
- European Academy of Management (EURAM)
- Fachverband Kulturmanagement
- UZH Alumni
ORCID digital identifier
- Dean's List 2019
ZHAW School of Management and Law
08 / 2019 - Member Beta Gamma Sigma
Beta Gamma Sigma – The International Business Honor Society
12 / 2018 - Award in recognition of outstanding academic performance
Institut für Publizistikwissenschaft und Medienforschung der Universität Zürich – Prof. Dr. Frank Esser & Prof. Dr. Werner Wirth
10 / 2017
Social media
- Study Professional Profile of Fundraisers in 2040 / Project leader / laufend
- What influence does the Metaverse have on the development of the Swiss live communications industry? / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- Audience Evaluation Knsthalle Zürich DYOR / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Integration potential of participatory cultural sites and projects / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Fundraising salary survey in Switzerland / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
Schmidli, Fabienne Helen; Pleger, Lyn Ellen; Hadorn, Susanne,
29(1), pp. 110-132.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1177/13563890221138876
Mertes, Alexander; Pleger, Lyn E.; Bossert, Pierina B.; Keller, Arianna; Schmidli, Fabienne H.,
Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verwaltungswissenschaften.
11(1), pp. 38-54.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.5334/ssas.132
Schmidli, Fabienne; Schäfer, Wolfgang; Hannich, Frank; Labaronne, Leticia; Rettenmund, Michèle,
17th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC), Lisbon, Portugal, 23 - 26 June 2024.
Available from: https://airdrive.eventsair.com/eventsairwesteuprod/production-leading-public/beb9680120594e519238e16f378684a2
Labaronne, Leticia; Fink-Mennel, Evelyn; Girke, Felix; Heimberg, Liliana; Schmidli, Fabienne,
Managing intangible cultural heritage in pandemic times : the case of the Lake Constance region [paper].
16th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Rome, Italy, 1-3 September 2021.
Leuschen, Lara; Schmidli, Fabienne; Labaronne, Leticia,
7th EIASM Workshop on Managing Arts and Cultural Organizations, Online, 17-18 December 2020.
Fischer, Damaris; Schmidli, Fabienne,
KM - das Magazin von Kulturmanagement Network.
2022(166), pp. 95-100.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-25551
Fischer, Damaris; Schmidli, Fabienne,
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-24757
Schmidli, Fabienne; Pleger, Lyn Ellen; Hadorn, Susanne,
21st EURAM Annual Conference, Montréal, Canada (online), 16-18 June 2021.