ZHAW Digital Health Lab
The ZHAW Digital Health Lab brings together experts from the fields of biomedicine, health, technology and business, who together create innovations for digitisation in healthcare.

Our vision
We firmly believe that through sustainable digital transformation, the healthcare system can be enhanced, leading to improved health and well-being for the population and all stakeholders.
Our mission
Our contribution to fostering intelligent digital transformation in the healthcare sector includes:
- Conducting application-oriented, interdisciplinary research and development while ensuring the transfer of knowledge and methods into both education and practical application.
- Connecting expertise from specialized research groups and establishing practical contacts across various domains, roles, and hierarchies.
- Cultivating synergies through collaborative network efforts, thereby serving as a unique hub for interdisciplinary, application-oriented excellence.
Would you like to be informed about current news, studies and publications, events and current projects in the field of Digital Health? Our newsletter is published about 3 - 4 times a year.
Digital Health Lab Day
In keynotes, workshops, poster presentations and start-up pitches as well as other formats, the developments and specific applications of digital solutions for the healthcare sector will be presented and discussed using impressive showcases.
The next Digital Health Lab Day will take place on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 at the ZHAW School of Engineering in Winterthur. Join participants from healthcare, IT, management, health experts, startups und research, learn and discuss about recent developments in digital health.
Digital Health Lab Day 2024 - People, Technologies & Processes
Digital Health Lab Day 2023 - Digital Strategies for Future Healthcare
Digital Health Lab Day 2022 - Smart Healthcare & Digital Innovation
Digital Health Lab Day 2021 - Implementing Digital Health Innovations
Digital Health Lab Day 2020 - Digital Citizen-based Medicine
Digital Health Events
31.01.2024 - Digital Health Lab Webinar: Unveiling the Inner Workings of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in Healthcare - A Grounded Look at Capabilities and Limitations | Václav Pechtor, ZHAW
09.11.2023 - Digital Health Lab Webinar: Digitale Kompetenzen von Pflegefachpersonen und Mediziner:innen – Sind sie bereit für die digitale Zukunft? | Prof. Dr. Alfred Angerer, ZHAW
19.10.2023 - Digital Health Lab Webinar: AI Leaders in Swiss Healthcare | Blaise Jacholkowski, Zühlke & Dr. Jens Haarmann, ZHAW
07.09.2023 - Digital Health Lab Webinar: ExerUP!: Design and evaluation of a digital exergame-based solution for an effective and attractive sports rehabilitation | Michelle Haas, ZHAW
Unfortunately, no list of projects can be displayed here at the moment. Until the list is available again, the project search on the ZHAW homepage can be used.
Flexibilität durch Digitale Transformation.
12. Fachkonferenz – Das Spital der Zukunft, Blezinger Healthcare, Luzern, Schweiz, 20.-22. Oktober 2022.
Zielorientiert und vernetzt : das ZHAW Digital Health Lab.
2022(5), pp. 73-74.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-26127
Truninger, Dominique; Zysset, Annina; Wehrli, Samuel; Albermann, Kurt; von Rhein, Michael; Wieber, Frank,
Digital pens for measuring fine motor skills in school-aged children with and without ADHD [poster].
4. Digital Health Lab Day, Winterthur, Schweiz, 12. September 2022.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-25701
Going digital in Public Health.
4. Digital Health Lab Day, Winterthur, Schweiz, 12. September 2022.
Sager, Pascal; Salzmann, Sebastian; Burn, Felice; Stadelmann, Thilo,
Journal of Imaging.
8(8), pp. 222.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8080222
Gerber, Nicole; Hollenstein, Lukas,
Wie die Digitalisierung den Food Service im Care Bereich erreicht.
2022(4), pp. 79-80.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-25448
Would you like to know more about the ZHAW Digital Health Lab? Alternatively, would you like to join us in creating healthcare innovations? Contact us at digitalhealthlab@zhaw.ch.