Dr. Minna Koponen

Dr. Minna Koponen
School of Management and Law
Zentrum für Innovative Didaktik
St.-Georgen-Platz 2
8400 Winterthur
Arbeit an der ZHAW
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
Aus- und Weiterbildung
- Systemische Team Coach / Coaching
BoMentis Coaching House
01 / 2024 - 10 / 2024 - Virtual Fazilitation / Coaching
BoMentis Coaching House
03 / 2023 - 08 / 2023 - Systemische Business Coach / Coaching
HY+ University of Helsinki
10 / 2022 - 03 / 2023
Mitglied in Netzwerken
- The Assoziation of eLearning Center Finnland
- Finnische Society on Media Education
- EELISA European University
- ANGEL: Academic Network on Global Education & Learning
- GRP-European Digital Education Hub
Social Media
- ZHAW moves onto its “digital campus” on edX
- World's First University of Applied Sciences Launches edX Courses
Koponen, Minna,
Reflecting transcultural media life studies from the perspectives of media literacies.
Learning, Media and Technology.
45(2), S. 151-164.
Verfügbar unter: https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2019.1641512
Koponen, Minna; Pienimaki, Mari,
Towards the transcultural media competencies of migrant young people
Tornero, José Manuel Pérez; Orozco, Guillermo; Hamburger, Esther, Hrsg.,
Media and information literacy in critical times : re-imagining learning and information environments.
S. 145-154.
MILID Yearbook ; 2018/2019.
Verfügbar unter: http://www.gabinetecomunicacionyeducacion.com/sites/default/files/field/adjuntos/milidyearbook2018_19_.pdf
Koponen, Minna; Müller Werder, Claude; Reichmuth, Andrea,
The challenging interplay of co-producers in MOOC development [Poster].
European MOOCs Stakeholder Summit, Potsdam, Germany, 14-16 June 2023.
Übrige Publikationen
- Global Education Digest 2022
- Koponen M. 2018. (Presentation). At the Intersection of Media in Education. National Days of Education. Tampere/Finland.
- Koponen, M. 2019. (Presentation). Evaluating Autobiographical Methods in Learning Multiliteracies. ITK- Interactive technology in education. Hämeenlinna/Finland.
- Koponen, M. 2019. (Participation). Innovative Learning Spaces Summit. Barcelona/Spain.
- Koponen, M. 2019. (Panel discussion). Perspectives on the digitalisation of education. Days on International Degree Programmes. Jyväskylä/Finland.
- Kullaslahti, J. & Koponen, M. 2019. (Presentation). Digikorkeakoulu Roadshow2023-Quality in online education#. Oulu/Finland.
- Koponen, M., Müller Werder, C., Reichmuth A., & Gartmann F. 2022. The challenging interplay of co-producers in MOOC development. (Presentation). eMOOC Conference 2023- Post-Covid Prospects for Massive Open Online Courses – Quarantine boost or backlash? Potsdam/Germany
- Koponen, M. 2017. (Presentation). Towards participatory culture – media competence as a part of social work education. Tampere: TAITO2017 conference publication/poster. Tampere, Finland
- Koponen, M. 2017. (Paper & Presentation). We made just a Video - Towards Media Competencies in Social Work Education. Saimaa is Calling. Conference publication. Lappeenranta/ Finland