Advice Booklet on MEDIA LITERACY
Children and adolescents are growing up in a world of media diversity. Parents and teachers often feel uncertain or out of their depth and wonder: how much media time and what media content is good for children? What is to be done in the event of cybermobbing or online addiction? The MEDIENKOMPETENZ (media literacy) guide of the Media Psychology Research Team of the ZHAW collects frequently asked questions of parents and other people the children and adolescents know and answers them on a scientific basis. The guide is a completely revised version of the ZHAW brochure "FAQ Medienkompetenz – Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Chancen und Risiken von Medien" (FAQ media expertise - frequently asked questions about the opportunities and risks of media)" and has been published since 2013 together with the "Jugend und Medien" (youth and media) national platform of the Federal Department of Home Affairs. The advice booklet is regularly revised and updated.
Key Data
Project team
Dr. Sarah Genner, Isabel Willemse
Project partners
Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen BSV / Nationale Plattform «Jugend und Medien»
Project status
completed, 01/2012 - 12/2022
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen BSV