Sarah Heiniger

Sarah Heiniger
School of Management and Law
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
Research Associate
Education and Continuing education
Master of Arts in Soziology
University of Bern
2014 - 2019
Continuing Education
- CAS in Healthcare Systems
Public Health Program, University Basel, University Bern and University Zurich
06 / 2023 - Integration module medicine for non-medical professionals
ZHAW - Winterthurer Institute of Health Economics (WIG)
04 / 2021
- Cost and Benefits of Physiotherapy / Team member / laufend
- Health data Switzerland: Current situation, challenges, and future visions / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- Health of social assistance benefit recipients / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- COVID-19 Social Monitor / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- Integration of Vulnerable Groups in the Healthcare System / Team member / abgeschlossen