Dr. Valerio De Martinis

Dr. Valerio De Martinis
School of Engineering
Forschungsschwerpunkt Transport and Traffic Engineering
Technikumstrasse 81
8400 Winterthur
- Research Associate and Project Leader Big Data in Optimal Railway Operation and Infrastructure Use (SCCER Mobility)
ETH Zurich (IVT - Institute for Transport planning and systems)
2017 - 2021 - PostDoc in Freight Trains Operation, Rail Traffic Management, and Energy Efficiency
ETH Zurich (IVT - Institute for Transport planning and systems)
2014 - 2017 - Post-doc in Rail Simulation, Signalling Systems and Energy Efficiency
Ansaldo STS - University of Napoli Federico II (Italy)
2012 - 2014 - Simulation & Modeling Engineer at the regional competence center for transport systems
TEST Scarl - Campania region competence center for transport systems (Italy)
2009 - 2012
Education and Continuing education
- Ph.D. in transport systems and road infrastructures. / New methodology for OD matrix update through Artificial Neural Networks
University of Naples Federico II
2004 - 2008 - Dipl. eng. in civil engineering with specialization in transportation.
University of Naples Federico II
1997 - 2004
Continuing Education
Habilitation (PD) Infrastruktur- und Verkehrsingenieurwesen.
Italian Ministry of Research and Education
Membership of networks
- IAROR - International Association of Railway Operations Research.
- IEEE ITSS Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
- TRB Transportation Research Board (Railroad Transportation )
ORCID digital identifier
- Investigation of the Train driver productivity and job satisfaction / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Customer orientation in the Traffic Management System / Team member / abgeschlossen
Wang, Pengling; Jeiziner, Annik; Luan, Xiaojie; De Martinis, Valerio; Corman, Francesco,
An experimental analysis of hierarchical rail traffic and train control in a stochastic environment.
Journal of Advanced Transportation.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8674538
De Martinis, Valerio,
Enhancing the calibration of train resistance parameters with power measurements [paper].
Pombo, J., ed.,
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance.
Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology, Montpellier, France, 22-25 August 2022.
Civil-Comp Press.
Civil-Comp Conferences ; 1.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.4203/ccc.1.31.20
Gioia, Stefano; De Martinis, Valerio; Bütikofer, Stephan; Wüst, Reimond Matthias,
Evaluation of the delay management potential on a macroscopic level [paper].
de Doncker, Rik W.; Nießen, Nils; Friesen, Nadine; Schindler, Christian, eds.,
IRSA 2021 : Tagungsband.
3rd International Railway Symposium Aachen (IRSA), Aachen, Germany, 21-23 November 2021.
RWTH Aachen University.
pp. 165-180.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.18154/RWTH-2022-01700
Bütikofer, Stephan; De Martinis, Valerio; Gomez, Claudio; Steiner, Albert; et al.,
Steigerung der ÖV-Attraktivität durch Optimierung der Anschlusse von Bus zu Bahn.
ETR – Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau.
2023(11), pp. 74-77.
De Martinis, Valerio; Huber, Marius; Herrmann, Thomas; Wüst, Reimond Matthias,
Diskriminierungsfreie Ansätze für die Tourenplanung des Lokpersonals.
ETR – Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau.
2023(4), pp. 2-7.