Prof. Dr. Chantal Wright

Prof. Dr. Chantal Wright
Angewandte Linguistik
Professur Creativity and the Language Industry
Theaterstrasse 15c
8400 Winterthur
Arbeit an der ZHAW
Professorin für Creativity and the Language Industry
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
Kreativität und Übersetzen, Übersetzungswissenschaften, Stilistik, Diversity und die Buchbranche, Mehrsprachigkeit und Exophonie, Literarisches Übersetzen
- BA: Angewandte Linguistik für Sprachberufe
- MA: Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens
- Professorin für Creativity and the Language Industry
02 / 2024 - heute - Co-Leiterin des Instituts für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen
10 / 2022 - 07 / 2024 - Reader
University of Warwick
2019 - 2022 - Associate Professor
University of Warwick
2015 - 2022 - Assistant Professor
University of Warwick
2014 - 2015 - Visiting Fellow; Honorary Fellow
University of Ottawa; Durham University
2013 - 2014 - Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2010 - 2013 - McCain Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow
Mount Allison University
2008 - 2010 - Lecturer
University of Alberta
2007 - 2008
Aus- und Weiterbildung
- PhD / Literary Translation
University of East Anglia
2003 - 2007 - MA / Literary Translation
University of East Anglia
2001 - 2002 - Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Studies in Education / TESOL World-wide
Open University
2001 - 2001 - BA / Modern and Medieval Languages
Girton College, University of Cambridge
1994 - 1998
Mitglied in Netzwerken
ORCID digital identifier
Cliff Becker Book Prize in Translation
White Pine Press
03 / 2012
Social Media
Lost to translation: How English readers miss out on foreign female writers
Vassallo, Helen; Wright, Chantal,
Changing the landscape : diversity and translated fiction in the UK publishing industry.
Lingue e linguaggi.
64, S. 173-196.
Verfügbar unter:
Wright, Chantal,
Crossing the borders of social class : social mobility as translational experience.
The Translator.
29(4), S. 480-493.
Verfügbar unter:
Batchelor, Kathryn; Wright, Chantal,
The Translator.
29(4), S. 401-407.
Verfügbar unter:
Wright, Chantal; Batchelor, Kathryn, Hrsg.,
Taylor & Francis.
The Translator ; 29(4).
Verfügbar unter:
Wright, Chantal,
Creativity is critical : the empowerment of language industry professionals in the age of AI
Massey, Gary; Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Angelone, Erik, Hrsg.,
Handbook of the Language Industry.
De Gruyter.
S. 489-494.
Verfügbar unter:
Publikationen vor Tätigkeit an der ZHAW
- 2022: ‘Linguistics and Social Sciences’ by Michel Foucault. Theory, Culture & Society. Co-translated from French with Jonathan Schroeder [‘Linguistiques et sciences sociales’, Dits et écrits, 1954–1975, Vol. 1, Gallimard, 2001].
- 2021: ‘Old Erfurt’ by Georg Klein. Chicago Review 64 (1/2/3). Translated from German [‘Old Erfurt’, Von den Deutschen, Rowohlt, 2002].
- 2020: “What is my desire?”, A response to Lawrence Venuti’s Contra Instrumentalism: A Translation Polemic (2019).
- 2019: ‘What is at stake in a theory of rhythm’; ‘The name of Ophelia’; and ‘Modernity is a battle’ by Henri Meschonnic. In: M. Pajevic (ed), The Henri Meschonnic Reader, University of Edinburgh Press. pp.66-83; 269-278; 281-290. Translated from French.
- 2018: The Age of Translation by Antoine Berman. Routledge. Translated from French [L’Âge de la traduction, Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 2008].
- 2016: Literary Translation, Routledge.
- 2014: ‘Before Chamisso: The role of the Munich DaF writing competitions and anthologies in the promotion of a ‘deutsche Literatur von außen’, 1979-1987’, special issue of Oxford German Studies entitled ‘Post-War Literature and Institutions’, pp.20-36.
- 2013: Yoko Tawada’s Portrait of a Tongue: An Experimental Translation, University of Ottawa Press. Translated from German ['Porträt einer Zunge', Überseezungen, Konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 2002].
- 2012: A Hand Full of Water by Tzveta Sofronieva, White Pine Press. Translated from German [Eine Hand voll Wasser, Verlag UnArtIg Aschersleben, 2008]. Winner of the 2012 Cliff Becker Book Prize in Translation.
- 2010: ‘Exophony and Literary Translation. What it means for the translator when a writer adopts a new language.' Target – International Journal of Translation Studies, pp.22-39.
Übrige Publikationen
- 2023: The Pasta Detectives by Andreas Steinhöfel. Carlsen (revised edition, previously published by Chicken House/Scholastic, 2010). Translated from German [Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten, Carlsen, 2008]. Shortlisted for the 2011 Marsh Award for Children’s Literature in Translation. Winner of the 2011 NASEN Inclusive Children’s Book Award.
- 2024: Yougottabekiddingme! by Martin Muser. Carlsen. Translated from German [Kannawoniwahrsein 1, Carlsen, 2018].