Prof. Dr. Raushan Bokusheva

Prof. Dr. Raushan Bokusheva
Life Sciences und Facility Management
Institut für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil
Mitglied in Netzwerken
- International Association of Agricultural Economists (since 2003)
- European Association of Agricultural Economists (since 2005)
- Editorial Board of the European Review of Agricultural Economics (2015-2020)
- OECD Network on Agricultural Total Factor Productivity and the Environment (since 2015)
- LAMASUS – Land use and Management modelling for Sustainable governance / Projektleiter:in / laufend
- Climate change impact on land use / Projektleiter:in / abgeschlossen
- ERA-FDC KUR: Exploring Agriculture’s Potential for Food Production, Rural Development, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: a Case study for Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia / Projektleiter:in / abgeschlossen
- ValPar.CH – Werte der Ökologischen Infrastruktur in Schweizer Pärken / Teammitglied / abgeschlossen
- EXTRA - Wetterextremereignisse in der Landwirtschaft / Teammitglied / abgeschlossen
- Eine Analyse von Food-Wertschöpfungsketten auf Basis internationaler Vergleichsdaten und Fallstudien / Projektleiter:in / abgeschlossen
Zabel von Felten, Astrid; Bokusheva, Raushan; Bozzola, Martina,
Dealing with negative monetary ecosystem services values in environmental and economic accounting.
Ecosystem Services.
Verfügbar unter:
Bokusheva, Raushan; Baráth, Lajos,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
106(2), S. 805-827.
Verfügbar unter:
Bokusheva, Raushan; Čechura, Lukáš; Kumbhakar, Subal C.,
Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Verfügbar unter:
Belyaeva, Maria; Bokusheva, Raushan,
Climatic Change.
Verfügbar unter:
Bokusheva, Raushan,
Using copulas for rating weather index insurance contracts.
Journal of Applied Statistics.
Verfügbar unter:
Zabel, Astrid; Bokusheva, Raushan; Bozzola, Martina,
96th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, Leuven, 4-6 April 2022.
Bokusheva, Raushan; Bozzola, Martina; Kunze, Sven,
Modelling the impact of climate change on agriculture productivity in Russia [Paper].
96th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, Leuven, 4-6 April 2022.
Kunze, Sven; Bokusheva, Raushan; Laiko, Olga,
What drives agricultural land use change in Eurasia? [Paper].
XVII European Association of Agricultural Economists Congress (EAAE), Rennes, France, 29 August - 1 September 2023.
Bokusheva, Raushan; Bozzola, Martina; Zabel von Felten, Astrid,
ValPar.CH Working Paper Series
; 3.
ValPar.CH: Values of the Ecological Infrastructure in Swiss Parks.
Verfügbar unter:
Bokusheva, Raushan; Grau, Aaron; Grass, Michael; Fischler, Silvan,
Spielt der Wettbewerb im Schweizer Food-Markt?.
Die Volkswirtschaft.
2019(3), S. 25-28.
Verfügbar unter:
Bokusheva, Raushan; Grass, Michael; Fischler, Silvan; Grau, Aaron,
Eine Analyse von Food-Wertschöpfungsketten auf Basis internationaler Vergleichsdaten und Fallstudien.
SECO Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft.
Verfügbar unter:
Publikationen vor Tätigkeit an der ZHAW
- Malikov, E., Bokusheva, R. and Kumbhakar, S.C. (2018). A hedonic-output-index-based approach to modeling polluting technologies. Empirical Economics, Vol. 54, pp. 287–308.
- Baráth, L., Bokusheva, R., and Ferto, I. (2017). Demand for Farm Insurance under Financial Constraints, Eastern European Economics, 55(4): 357–376.
- Conradt, S., Finger, R. and Bokusheva, R. 2015. Tailored to the extremes: Quantile regression for index-based insurance contract design. Agricultural Economics 46(4): 537–547.
- Amersdorffer, F., Buchenrieder, G., Bokusheva, R. and Wolz, A. 2015. Efficiency in microfinance: financial and social performance of agricultural credit cooperatives in Bulgaria. Journal of the Operational Research Society 66(1): 57–65.
- Pavlova V.N., Varcheva S.E., Bokusheva, R. and Calanca, P. 2014. Modelling the effects of climate variability on spring wheat productivity in the steppe zone of Russia and Kazakhstan. Ecological Modelling 277: 57–67.
- Mamardashvili, P., Bokusheva, R. and Schmid, D. 2014. Heterogeneous farm output and technical efficiency estimates. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 63: 16-30.
- Conradt, S., Bokusheva, R., Finger, R. and Kussaiynov, T. 2014. Yield trend estimation in the presence of farm heterogeneity and non-linear technological change. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 53(2): 121–140.
- Bokusheva, R., Kumbhakar, S.C. and Lehmann, B. 2012. The effect of environmental regulations on Swiss farm productivity. International Journal of Production Economics 136: 93–101.
- Bokusheva, R., Hockmann, H. and Kumbhakar, S.C. 2012. Dynamics of productivity and technical efficiency in Russian agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics 39(4): 611–637.
- Bokusheva, R., Finger, R., Fischler, M., Berlin, R., Marín, Y., Pérez, F. and Paiz, F. 2012. Factors determining the adoption and impact of a postharvest storage technology, Food Security 4(2): 279–293.
- Bokusheva, R. and Breustedt, G. 2012. The effectiveness of weather-based index insurance and area-yield crop insurance: How reliable are ex post predictions for yield risk reduction? Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 51(2): 135–156.
- Bokusheva, R. 2011. Measuring dependence in joint distributions of yield and weather variables. Agricultural Finance Review 71(1): 120–141.
- Bokusheva, R., Bezlepkina, I. and Oude Lansink, A. 2009. Exploring investment behavior of farms in transition: The case of Russian agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Economics 60(2): 436–464.
- Kumbhakar, S.C. and Bokusheva, R. 2009. Modelling farm production decisions under an expenditure constraint. European Review of Agricultural Economics: 36(3): 343–367.
- Hockmann, H., Bokusheva, R. and Bezlepkina, I. 2009. Agroholding membership: does that make a difference in performance? Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 48(1):25–46.
- Breustedt, G., Bokusheva, R. and Heidelbach, O. 2008. The potential of index insurance schemes to reduce farmers’ yield risk in an arid region. Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(2): 312–328.
- Bokusheva, R., Valentinov, V. and Anpilogova, V. 2007. The Investment behavior of Russian farms. Post-Communist Economies 19(1): 53–71.
- Bokusheva, R. and Hockmann, H. 2006. Production risk and technical inefficiency in Russian agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics 33: 93–118.
- Bokusheva, R. and Borina, B. 2005. Methodology of parametric insurance design. Eurasian Community 4: 121–129.
- Bokusheva, R. 2005. Confronto tra i prodotti assicurativi delle produzioni agricole e loro applicabilità nelle economie in transizione, Economia & Diritto Agroalimentare 1/2005: 107–135.
- Bokusheva R. 2004. B. A. Babcock, R. W. Fraser, J. N. Lekakis (eds) Risk management and the environment: agriculture in perspective. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, 224 pp. European Review of Agricultural Economics Vol. 31, pp. 493–496.
- Bokusheva R. and Cechura, L. 2017. Evaluating dynamics, sources and drivers of productivity growth at the farm level. OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. 106, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- Bokusheva, R. and Kimura, S. 2016. Cross-Country Comparison of Farm Size Distribution, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. 94, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- Fischler, M., Berlin, R., Bokusheva, R., Finger, R., Marín, Y., Pavón, K., Pérez, F. and Paiz, F. 2011. 5 Year Ex-Post Impact Study: POSTCOSECHA Programme Central America. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Bern.
- Tombez, G. and Bokusheva, R. 2011. Evaluation of socio-economic feasibility of pilot micro-insurance schemes for cotton producers in Mozambique. A feasibility study report on behalf of the FAO. Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich.