Large Language Models LLM (e.g. GPT) aaS in Marketing
Auf einen Blick
- Co-Projektleiter/in : Prof. Dr. Frank Hannich, Michael Kussmaul, Dr. Jochen Wulf
- Projektteam : Reto Heierli, Dr. Michael Klaas, Dr. Marcus Zimmer
- Projektvolumen : CHF 15'000
- Projektstatus : abgeschlossen
- Drittmittelgeber : Innosuisse (Innovationsscheck / Projekt Nr. 67934.1 INNO-SBM)
- Projektpartner : BMQ Partners AG
- Kontaktperson : Jochen Wulf
The idea of this project is to develop an LLM aaS that offers selection, usage and integration of LLM-based applications to companies. Based on bmq experiences we want to start with content adaption (adaption of an initial content piece to e.g. different social media channels) as an initial use case to shape and test the innovative service. Additional we plan a systematic analysis of use cases along the customer journey.