Detailed building energy evaluation from large-area 3D thermography supporting a profitable energy future

The decarbonisation of heating systems is a big challenge for the building economy. The project ThermoPlaner3D develops novel innovative products that allow energy suppliers to support the energy change in buildings in a profitable manner. ThermoPlaner3D provides detailed 3D building energy assessments over large areas. The analytical processes, based on airborne multi-perspective thermographic data collections, deliver the quantitative basis for investment decisions. Energy suppliers are empowered to plan novel, sustainable heating solutions while minimising the associated risks. Additionally, energy suppliers offer their existing and potential new clients the opportunity to evaluate the energy-related condition of their buildings with a comprehensive interactively visualised 3D building energy model. By adding their specific knowledge to the tool, the clients assess the potentials for building restoration and future energy savings. Existing information for building assessments, like statistics, usage information or single building analysis, is often patchy or, in the case of thermal analysis, includes only either the facades or roofs. The research partners FHNW (geodata analysis and visualization) and ZHAW (thermographic sensor technology, building energy modelling) develop validated, modular and automated analysis processes based on airborne multi-perspective data collections of thermographic imagery, RGB and NIR imagery as well as LiDAR Data. The analysis results are integrated in a holistic 3D building energy model and interactively visualised for the energy suppliers and their clients. SWG, the energy supplier of Grenchen Switzerland, is involved in ThermoPlaner3D as a pilot user and for feedback. The results of ThermoPlaner3D will be commercialised by a joint venture of Considerate AG (energy engineering technologies) and BSF Swissphoto AG (airborne data collection).
Key Data
Project team
Project partners
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW; Considerate AG; BSF Swissphoto AG
Project status
completed, 08/2021 - 03/2024
Funding partner
Innovationsprojekt / Projekt Nr. 52958.1 IP-EE
Further documents and links
Application, adaption and validation of the thermal urban road normalization algorithm in a European city
2024 Striewski, Friedrich; Comi, Ennio Luigi; Tiefenbacher, Fiona; Lack, Natalie; Battaglia, Mattia; Bleisch, Susanne
Wärmedurchblick mit dem ThermoPlaner3D
2023 Bleisch, Susanne; Battaglia, Mattia; Comi, Ennio; Seiffert, Urs; Landtwing, Emese; Lack, Natalie; Tiefenbacher, Fiona