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AusTEr – Pedagogical responsibilities and competencies in extended education


The SNSF project AusTEr – Processes of negotiating pedagogic responsibilities at all-day schools in the public education environment – examines processes of negotiating pedagogic responsibilities in multi-professional teams at all-day schools, as well as existing specific interpretations of all-day education. This project is a collaboration between PH Zurich and the ZHAW School of Social Work.

Key Data


Dr. Emanuela Chiapparini, Prof. Dr. Patricia Schuler

Project team

, Dr. Christa Kappler, Andrea Scholian

Project partners

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich PHZH; Berner Fachhochschule BFH / Departement Soziale Arbeit

Project status

completed, 08/2016 - 02/2020

Funding partner

SNF-Projektförderung / Projekt Nr. 162711