ZHAW launches new continuing education offer on generative AI in teaching and further education
Generative AI systems, such as ChatGPT, have the potential to introduce disruptive changes in various areas, including teaching and continuing education. Therefore, the Competence Center for Generative AI at the ZHAW School of Engineering is launching a new continuing education program in collaboration with the Department of Applied Linguistics. It is specifically aimed at teachers and lecturers.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of computer systems to solve complex problems that typically require intelligence. Novel, so-called generative AI systems have the capability to generate new content such as texts, images, music and videos of unprecedented quality. The most prominent example of this is ChatGPT. These new systems have the potential to bring about disruptive change, including in the field of teaching and further education.
The newly founded Competence Centre for Generative AI at the ZHAW School of Engineering, in collaboration with the Department of Applied Linguistics, is therefore launching a new continuing education offer in the field of generative AI. The program is specifically aimed at teachers and lecturers in all subject areas and at all levels, especially secondary schools, colleges of further education (grammar schools, vocational schools, colleges of further education) and universities of applied sciences.
The course covers the fundamental concepts of generative AI models such as ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion or Dall-E, using practical examples and hands-on exercises. It focuses on the effects of generative AI on teaching and further education, useful applications for teachers and lecturers (e.g. as a means of preparation and research), effects on learning objectives and exams, as well as legal aspects and future developments. No technical or programming knowledge is required to participate.
The new continuing education course (2 ECTS, in German) will be held for the first time in June. Further information and the link to registration, which is now open, can be found on the course website: «WBK Generative KI in Lehre und Weiterbildung»