ZHAW CAI congratulates the CLAIRE network on its 5th anniversary
The CLAIRE network celebrates 5 years of working together with academia, industry and policy makers to promote Human-centred AI innovation and research in Europe. CAI hosts and supports the CLAIRE Office Switzerland since its creation.

The Confederation of Laboratories for AI Research in Europe (CLAIRE) was created five years ago as a grass-root initiative to promote human-centred AI innovation and research and innovation. This initiative has seen an impressive growth and acceptance and now comprises more than 470 research laboratories across the continent. CLAIRE has been successfully supporting activities for improving AI research through its interaction with the EU-funded Networks of Excellence TAILORand VISION. CLAIRE participation in the "AI Data Robotics Association" (ADRA) puts it in a strong position for supporting the interest of the AI community viz-a-viz European policy-makers and convey the message that european AI requires sustained investment and efficient technology translation processes.
Since its creation in 2020, the CLAIRE Office in Switzerland has been strongly supported by the ZHAW Centre for Artificial Intelligence (CAI) and the ZHAW Digital Initiative. The office is headed by Senior Researcher Ricardo Chavarriaga and CAI director Prof Thilo Stadelmann sits at its advisory board. At a point where the development of human-centred Ai is becoming one of the biggest challenges and opportunities for society, the ZHAW CAI is proud and excited of continuing working together with CLAIRE for steering this technology for economic and societal thriving for Switzerland and Europe.