Dr. Anton Sentic

Dr. Anton Sentic
School of Engineering
Team Sustainable Energy Systems
Technoparkstrasse 2
8400 Winterthur
- Smart City Winterthur - WinLab / Team member / laufend
- Living Labs Interfaces for Energy Transition (SWEET LANTERN) / Project leader / laufend
- SWEET SWICE - Sustainable Wellbeing for the Individual and the Collectivity in the Energy transition / Project leader / laufend
- Massive Decarbonisation of the Swiss Building Stock / Team member / laufend
- Valorisation of industrial residues for a sustainable industry (VARESI) / Co-project leader / laufend
- Win.Lab – Living Labs for Energy Decarbonisation / Team member / laufend
- SNF Ambizione Evaluation / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Front Runner / Team member / abgeschlossen
- WinLab co-creation platform: digital matchmaking and ideation platform / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Pathways and supportive policies for accelerating vehicle to grid (V2G) technology / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- Win.Lab – Strategierevision des Reallabors der Stadt Winterthur / Team member / abgeschlossen