Michal Gorbar

Michal Gorbar
School of Engineering
Forschungsbereich Keramische Materialien
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur
- Colored Ceramic Watch Parts through Field Assisted Sintering / Team member / laufend
- Investigation of the suitability and optimization of ceramic aerosol filters / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Ceramic targets for radionuclide therapy / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Development of Abrasive Blades for Wafer Dicing by Using Ceramic Tape Casting Technology (AbraCas) / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Developement of new heating elements for hot air blowers / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Nanoporous diaphragms for electrochemical sensors (NanoDiaS) / Team member / abgeschlossen
Wick-Joliat, René; Weisshar, Florian B.; Gorbar, Michal; Meier, Daniel M.; Penner, Dirk,
CO2 capture with polyethylenimine supported on 3D-printed porous SiO2 structures.
17(12), pp. 2913.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17122913
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Ott, Tobias; Holzer, Lorenz; Penner, Dirk; Gorbar, Michal; de Hazan, Yoram,
Multi-parameter improvement method for (micro-) structural properties of high performance ceramics.
The International Journal of Multiphysics.
11(1), pp. 49-69.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21152/1750-9548.11.1.49
Holzer, Lorenz; Stenzel, Ole; Pecho, Omar; Ott, Tobias; Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Gorbar, Michal; de Hazan, Yoram; Penner, Dirk; Schneider, I.; Cervera, R.; Gasser, P.,
Materials & Design.
99, pp. 314-327.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2016.03.034
Burnat, Dariusz Artur; Schlupp, Meike; Wichser, Adrian; Lothenbach, Barbara; Gorbar, Michal; Züttel, Andreas; Vogt, Ulrich F.,
Composite membranes for alkaline electrolysis based on polysulfone and mineral fillers.
Journal of Power Sources.
291, pp. 163-172.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.04.066
Wiedenmann, Daniel; Keller, Lukas; Holzer, Lorenz; Stojadinović, Jelena; Münch, Beat; Suarez, Laura; Fumey, Benjamin; Hagendorfer, Harald; Brönnimann, Rolf; Modregger, Peter; Gorbar, Michal; Vogt, Ulrich F.; Züttel, Andreas; La Mantia, Fabio; Wepf, Roger; Grobéty, Bernard,
Three-dimensional pore structure and ion conductivity of porous ceramic diaphragms.
AIChE Journal.
59(5), pp. 1446-1457.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.14094
Gorbar, Michal; Penner, Dirk; Sterchi, Robert; Bojemüller, Enno; Kirsten, Armin; Tholey, Michael,
Multi-color gradient ceramics produced by aqueous tape casting [paper].
XVI Conference of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS), Torino, Italy, 16-20 June 2019.
Wick, René; Weisshar, Florian B.; Gorbar, Michal; Meier, Daniel M.; Penner, Dirk,
3D gedruckte poröse SiO2-Strukturen zur CO2-Abscheidung.
KERAMIK 2024, DKG Jahrestagung, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Deutschland, 9.-11. September 2024.
Gorbar, Michal; Mauchle, Stéphane; Aebi, Patric; Bitterli, Beat; Penner, Dirk,
Ceramics in Europe, Kraków, Poland, 10-14 July 2022.
Penner, Dirk; de Hazan, Yoram; Gorbar, Michal,
Erfahrungen mit dem (low cost)-ASIGA SL-Drucker.
DKG Szene Additiv - Open Panel 2018 «3D Druck von Keramik bald für den Consumer-Markt?», Dübendorf, 10. Januar 2018.
Patents and patent applications
Bojemüller, Enno; Gorbar, Michal; Penner, Dirk; Tholey, Michael,
Patent number EP3593753 A1
Available from: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search?q=pn%3DEP3593753A1
Bojemüller, Enno; Gorbar, Michal; Penner, Dirk; Tholey, Michael,
Patent number US2020008910 A1
Available from: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search?q=pn%3DUS2020008910A1
Boiger, Gernot Kurt; Boldrini, Marlon; Gorbar, Michal; de Hazan, Yoram; Hocker, Thomas; Horat-Fässler, Pascal; Mauchle, Stéphane; Penner, Dirk; von Wyl, Bruno,
Keramischer Heizwiderstand, elektrisches Heizelement sowie Vorrichtung zur Erwärmung eines Fluides.
Patent number WO2019185291 A1
Available from: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search?q=pn%3DWO2019185291A1