Dr. Malgorzata Cwikla

Dr. Malgorzata Cwikla
School of Management and Law
Center for Arts Management
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
- Lecturer
University College Freiburg
02 / 2024 - 09 / 2024 - Expert Built Environment, Culture and Heritage
ICLEI Europe
12 / 2021 - 09 / 2024 - Lecturer
Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University
10 / 2023 - 03 / 2024 - Assistant Professor
Jagiellonian University
03 / 2018 - 02 / 2022 - Research assistant
Jagiellonian University
10 / 2015 - 02 / 2018 - Guest curator
09 / 2008 - 10 / 2009
Education and Continuing education
- Doctorate / Management
Jagiellonian University
10 / 2010 - 09 / 2014 - Magister / Polish studies
University of Wrocław
10 / 2002 - 07 / 2007
Continuing Education
- Certificate - Driving business towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Erasmus University Rotterdam
08 / 2021 - Certificate - Business - Model - Innovation
The University of Freiburg
12 / 2015 - Interdisciplinary studies "Society - Environment - Technology"
09 / 2014
ORCID digital identifier
Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence (Outstandning Paper)
Emerald Publishing
04 / 2016
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Małgorzata Ćwikła, Eva Lindell, Images of the “future of work”. A discourse analysis of visual data on the internet, Futures, 153, 103235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2023.103235
- Ćwikła, M., Konior, A., Laberschek, M., Pluszyńska, A., & Szostak, A. (2022). Mirror, mirror on the wall, do I want to know at all? A story about cultural organizations that conduct research on themselves and those that do not. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 28(4), 518-536. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286632.2022.2077933
- Ćwikła, M., Góral, A., Bogacz-Wojtanowska, E., Dudkiewicz, M. (2020). Project-Based Work and Sustainable Development—A Comparative Case Study of Cultural Animation Projects, Sustainability, 12(16), 6519. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12166519
- Ćwikła, M. (2019). Good Labor. Affirmative Work Awareness and Hope [in:] Organising goodness and hope – Narratives beyond interregnum, Eds. Kostera, M., Ericsson, D., Edward Elgar, 188-198.
- Jałocha, B., Ćwikła, M. (2019). Observing the Process of Culture Projectification and Its Agents: A Case Study of Kraków [in:] The Projectification of the Public Sector, Eds. Hodgson, D., Fred, M., Bailey, S., Hall, P., Routledge.
- Ćwikła, M. (2018). Book review: Return to Meaning: A Social Science with Something to Say by Mats Alvesson, Yiannis Gabriel and Roland Paulsen, „Organization” Vol. 26 (2), 302-304.
- Ćwikła, M. (2017). Cultural Projects in 2030: A Performative Approach, [In:] ReThinking Management. Perspectives and Impacts of Cultural Turns and Beyond, Eds. Küpers, W., Sonnenburg, S., Zierold, M., Springer VS.
- Ćwikła, M., Jałocha, B. (2015). Unspread wings. Why cultural projects don't provide refreshing ideas for project management although they could?, „International Journal of Managing Projects in Business”, 8(4), 626-648.