Prof. Dr. Paula Mónica Castro Pareja

Prof. Dr. Paula Mónica Castro Pareja
School of Management and Law
Center for Energy and Environment
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
Professor for Energy and the Environment
- Climate policy and politics
- Environmental politics
- Multilateral negotiations
- Climate change mitigation
- Carbon markets
- Empirical research methods
- Network analysis
- Quantitative text analysis
- Economics for BSc Business Law, ZHAW (Tutorial sessions)
- Business in the Climate Crisis, ZHAW (Elective module)
- CAS Climate Strategies, ZHAW
- International Climate Policy, University of Zurich (MA Seminar)
- Research associate
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
08 / 2020 - 02 / 2024 - Senior research associate
Department of Political Science, University of Zurich
03 / 2017 - 07 / 2020 - Postdoctoral fellow
Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen
03 / 2016 - 02 / 2017 - Senior research associate
Department of Political Science, University of Zurich
11 / 2013 - 01 / 2016 - Research and teaching assistant and post-doctoral researcher
Department of Political Science, University of Zurich
12 / 2007 - 10 / 2013 - Environmental consultant
07 / 2003 - 12 / 2007 - Consultant on biofuels
NGO Practical Action (Peru)
11 / 2006 - 11 / 2007 - Research and teaching assistant
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, National Agrarian University La Molina (Peru)
07 / 2003 - 09 / 2005
Education and Continuing education
- PhD / Political Science
University of Zurich, Department of Political Science
01 / 2008 - 10 / 2013 - M.Sc. / Environment and Development
University of Reading (UK)
10 / 2005 - 12 / 2006 - B.Sc. / Environmental engineering
National Agrarian University La Molina (Peru)
03 / 1998 - 12 / 2002
Continuing Education
CAS Higher & Professional Education
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
12 / 2022
Membership of networks
- European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
- Swiss Political Science Association (SPSA)
- European International Studies Association (EISA)
ORCID digital identifier
- Beyond Coalitions: Small States in Climate Negotiations (BeCoSS Climate) / Co-project leader / laufend
- Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society (SWEET COSI) / Team member / laufend
- Renewable Fuels and Chemicals for Switzerland / Deputy project leader / laufend
- DEcarbonisation of Cities and Regions with Renewable GAses (DeCIRRA) / Team member / laufend
- Meta-Study on Local Climate Action and NDCs / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- What international negotiators promise and domestic policymakers adopt / Team member / abgeschlossen
Castro, Paula; Kammerer,Marlene; Michaelowa,Axel,
How does polycentric engagement relate to countries’ NDC ambition and mitigation policy effort?.
Global Environmental Politics.
24(3), pp. 48-74.
Available from:
Klöck, Carola; Castro, Paula; Chin-Yee, Simon; Gurresø, Clara; Desmasures, Charlotte; Bouly, Elsa; Carrillo Risi, Diana; De Pryck, Kari,
Beyond AOSIS : small island states’ presence and participation at COP27.
Climate and Development.
Available from:
Castro Pareja, Paula Mónica; Kammerer, Marlene,
International Studies Quarterly.
65(3), pp. 683-698.
Available from:
Castro Pareja, Paula Mónica,
National interests and coalition positions on climate change : a text-based analysis.
International Political Science Review.
42(1), pp. 95-113.
Available from:
Castro, Paula,
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.
20(1), pp. 41-60.
Available from:
Pauw, W. P.; Castro, P.; Pickering, J.; Bhasin, S.,
Climate Policy.
20(4), pp. 468-484.
Available from:
Betz, Regina; Michaelowa, Axel; Castro, Paula; Kotsch, Raphaela; Mehling, Michael; Michaelowa, Katharina; Baranzini, Andrea,
The carbon market challenge : preventing abuse through effective governance.
Cambridge University Press.
Elements in Earth System Governance.
ISBN 978-1-009-21647-0.
Available from:
Weiler, Florian; Castro Pareja, Paula Mónica,
"Necessity has made us allies" : the role of coalitions in the climate change negotiations
Klöck, Carola; Castro Pareja, Paula Mónica; Weiler, Florian; Blaxekjær, Lau Øfjord, eds.,
Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations.
pp. 35-52.
Castro Pareja, Paula Mónica; Klöck, Carola,
Fragmentation in the climate change negotiations : taking stock of the evolving coalition dynamics
Klöck, Carola; Castro Pareja, Paula Mónica; Weiler, Florian; Blaxekjær, Lau Øfjord, eds.,
Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations.
pp. 17-34.
Castro Pareja, Paula Mónica; Chaianong, Aksornchan,
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from:
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Peer-reviewed articles
- Castro, Paula, 2020. Past and future of burden sharing in the climate regime: Positions and ambition from a top-down to a bottom-up governance system. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 20: 41–60.
- Pauw, Pieter; Castro, Paula; Pickering, Jonathan; Bhasin, Shikha, 2020. Conditional nationally determined contributions in the Paris Agreement: Foothold for equity or Achilles heel? Climate Policy, 20(4): 468–484.
- Castro, Paula, 2016. Common but differentiated responsibilities beyond the nation state: How is differential treatment addressed in transnational climate governance initiatives? Transnational Environmental Law, 5(2): 379–400.
- Castro, Paula; Hörnlein, Lena; Michaelowa, Katharina, 2014. Constructed peer groups and path dependence in international organizations: The case of the international climate change negotiations. Global Environmental Change, 25: 109–120.
- Stadelmann, Martin; Castro, Paula, 2014. Climate policy innovation in the South - domestic and international determinants of renewable energy policies in developing and emerging countries. Global Environmental Change, 29: 413–423.
- Betzold, Carola; Castro, Paula; Weiler, Florian, 2012. AOSIS in the UNFCCC negotiations: from unity to fragmentation? Climate Policy 12(5): 591–613.
- Castro, Paula, 2012. Does the CDM discourage emission reduction targets in advanced developing countries? Climate Policy 12(2): 198–218.
- Castro, Paula; Michaelowa, Axel, 2011. Would preferential access measures be sufficient to overcome current barriers to CDM projects in Least Developed Countries? Climate and Development 3: 123–142.
- Castro, Paula; Michaelowa, Axel, 2010. The impact of discounting emission credits on the competitiveness of different CDM host countries. Ecological Economics 70: 34–42.
- Calle, Jose; Coello, Javier; Castro, Paula, 2005. Options for biodiesel production in Peru. Mosaico Científico 2(2): 70–77.
- Books
- Castro, Paula, 2014. Climate change mitigation in developing countries: A critical assessment of the Clean Development Mechanism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Castro, Paula, 2010. Governance in combating desertification in Peru: The case of Apurimac Region. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Acosta, Fernando; Castro, Paula; Cortijo, Elsa, 2008. Manual de construcción y uso de reactor para producción de biodiesel a pequeña escala (Handbook for building and using a reactor for small-scale biodiesel production). Lima: Soluciones Prácticas.
- Castro, Paula; Coello, Javier; Castillo, Liliana, 2007. Opciones para la producción y uso de biodiesel en el Perú (Options for biodiesel production and use in Peru). Lima: Soluciones Prácticas.
- Sueiro, Juan Carlos; Cornejo, Astrid; Castro, Paula, 2005. La zona costera peruana: recursos, usos y gestión (The Peruvian coastal zone: resources, uses and management). Lima: CooperAcción.
- Book chapters
- Andonova, Liliana; Castro, Paula; Chelminski, Kathryn, 2018. Transferring technologies: The polycentric governance of clean energy technology. In: Andrew Jordan, David Huitema, Harro van Asselt and Johanna Forster (eds.), Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action? Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 266–284.
- Zahno, Martina; Castro, Paula, 2017. Renewable energy deployment at the interplay between support policies and fossil fuel subsidies. In: Stefan E. Weishaar, Larry Kreiser, Janet E. Milne, Hope Ashiabor and Michael Mehling (eds.), The Green Market Transition: Carbon Taxes, Energy Subsidies and Smart Instrument Mixes, Volume XIX of Series Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 97–112.
- Buen Jørund; Castro, Paula, 2012. How Brazil and China have financed industry development and energy security initiatives that support mitigation objectives. In: Axel Michaelowa (ed.), Carbon Markets or Climate Finance: Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World. London: Routledge, pp. 53–91.
- Friberg, Lars; Castro, Paula, 2009. Análise empírica do desempenho de projetos MDL: Estudo de caso Brasil. In: Markus Brose (ed.), O pagamento por serviços ambientais - O mercado de carbono promove a inclusão social? Goiânia, Brazil: Care Brasil, Editora da Universidade Católica de Goiás, pp. 123–147.
- Reports and policy papers
- Klöck, Carola; Castro, Paula, 2018. Coalitions in global climate change negotiations. Policy Brief No. 5, Innovations in Climate Governance (INOGOV).
- Castro, Paula; Betzold, Carola, 2016. Climate finance after the Paris Agreement. New directions or more of the same? Global Governance Spotlight 3/2016. Bonn, Germany: Development and Peace Foundation.
- Cames, Martin; Healy, Sean; Harthan, Ralph; Castro, Paula; Michaelowa, Axel; Hayashi, Daisuke; Dransfeld, Björn; Butzengeiger, Sonja, 2013. Design of the post-2012 climate regime: Sectoral approaches for greenhouse gas mitigation. Final Report for the German Federal Environment Agency. Berlin, Zurich, Hamburg: Öko-Institut, University of Zurich, Perspectives Climate Change.
- Michaelowa, Axel; Castro, Paula; Bagchi, Chandreyee, 2013. Report on stakeholder mapping: Multi-level interaction of climate policy stakeholders in the run-up to the 2015 agreement. Research Report. Brussels: EU FP7 Project POLIMP (Mobilizing and transferring knowledge on post-2012 climate policy implications).
- Castro, Paula; Duwe, Matthias; Köhler, Michel; Zelljadt, Elizabeth, 2012. Market-based mechanisms in a post 2012 climate change regime. Summary Report for the German Federal Environment Agency. Hamburg, Berlin, Zurich: Perspectives Climate Change, Ecologic Institute, University of Zurich.
- Castro, Paula; Hayashi, Daisuke; Harthan, Ralph; Cames, Martin; Michaelowa, Axel, 2012. Setting baselines for the new market mechanism: Examples from the power, cement and buildings sectors. Öko-Institut Discussion Paper.
- Castro, Paula; Hayashi, Daisuke; Kristiansen, Kjell Olav; Michaelowa, Axel; Stadelmann, Martin, 2011. Linking RE Promotion Policies with International Carbon Trade (LINK) - Scoping study for IEA- RETD.
- Castro, Paula; Hayashi, Daisuke; Stadelmann, Martin; Michaelowa, Axel; Cames, Martin; Healy, Sean, 2011. Solving the MRV challenge for new market-based mechanisms: What can past experience teach us? Öko-Institut Discussion Paper.
- Stadelmann, Martin; Castro, Paula; Michaelowa, Axel, 2011. Is there a leverage paradox within climate finance? Working paper. Cambridge, UK: Climate Strategies.
- Stadelmann, Martin; Castro, Paula; Michaelowa, Axel, 2011. Mobilising private finance for low-carbon development. Final report. Cambridge, UK: Climate Strategies.
- Butzengeiger-Geyer, Sonja; Castro, Paula; Harthan, Ralph; Hayashi, Daisuke; Healy, Sean; Maribu Karl Magnus; Michaelowa, Axel; Okubo, Yuri; Schneider, Lambert; Storrø, Ingunn, 2010. Options for utilizing the CDM for global emission reductions. Report UBA-FB 001414/E. Dessau-Roßlau, Germany: German Federal Environment Agency.
- Castro, Paula; Michaelowa, Axel, 2008. Empirical analysis of performance of CDM projects: final report. Cambridge, UK: Climate Strategies.
- Castro, Paula; Benecke, Gudrun, 2008. Empirical analysis of performance of CDM projects: case study India. Discussion Paper CDM-7. Cambridge, UK: Climate Strategies.
- Castro, Paula, 2008. Empirical analysis of performance of CDM projects: case study China. Discussion Paper CDM-6. Cambridge, UK: Climate Strategies.
- Coello, Javier; Castro, Paula, 2008. Biocombustibles, agua y agricultura en los Andes (Biofuels, water and agriculture in the Andes). Revista Virtual REDESMA, Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinarios.
- Castro, Paula, 2007. Empirical analysis of performance of CDM projects: rejections and withdrawals. Discussion Paper CDM-4. Cambridge, UK: Climate Strategies.