Dr. Annina Boogen

Dr. Annina Boogen
School of Management and Law
Center for Energy and Environment
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
- Environmental economics
- Empirical analysis of policy instruments
- Economics of energy efficiency
- Behavioural economics (Energy and climate-related behaviour of households)
- Transdisciplinary approaches
- Economics for Bsc Business Law, ZHAW
- Introduction to Behavioural Economics, ZHAW
- Energierecht, ZHAW
- Lecturer in CAS Technology and Public Policy, ETH Zurich
- Associated researcher
Uri's Institute Cultures of the Alps (University Lucerne)
11 / 2020 - today - Research associate
Center for Energy and the Environment, ZHAW
08 / 2020 - today - Senior assistant (Oberassistentin)
Centre for Energy Policy and Economics, ETH Zurich
10 / 2018 - 05 / 2022 - Member «Kuratorium Ökologie»
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
04 / 2019 - 06 / 2020 - Research associate / Postdoc
Centre for Energy Policy and Economics, ETH Zurich
03 / 2016 - 09 / 2018 - Lecturer
Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences
10 / 2014 - 08 / 2017 - Research assistant
Centre for Energy Policy and Economics, ETH Zurich
03 / 2011 - 02 / 2016 - Research assistant
Engineering office Verenum, Zurich
09 / 2008 - 06 / 2010
Education and Continuing education
- Master of Arts / Transdisciplinarity in and with the arts
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
09 / 2017 - 09 / 2020 - Doctor of Science
ETH Zurich
02 / 2012 - 02 / 2016 - Master of Science / Energy Science and Technology
ETH Zurich
09 / 2009 - 09 / 2011 - Bachelor of Science / Environmental Science
ETH Zurich
10 / 2005 - 08 / 2008
Continuing Education
CAS Higher & Professional Education
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
12 / 2022
Membership of networks
- Energy Efficiency, Associate Editor
- Swiss Society for Acoustic Ecology (SSAE), board member and president
- European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
- Swiss Association of Energy Economics (SAEE, former board member) / International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE)
- Swiss Artistic Research Network (SARN), work group «Listening /Sounding /Thinking»
ORCID digital identifier
- Living Labs Interfaces for Energy Transition (SWEET LANTERN) / Project leader / laufend
- Positive Energy District Algorithms for Load Forecasting and Optimal Dispatch / Co-project leader / laufend
- DEcarbonisation of Cities and Regions with Renewable GAses (DeCIRRA) / Team member / laufend
- Competence for Cantonal Energy and Climate Policy ZHAW through expansion and communication of the Cantonal Clean Energy INDEX Switzerland (CEIS) / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Establishing the Cantonal Clean Energy INDEX Switzerland (CEIS) as standard instrument for policy makers / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
Boogen, Nina,
Designing effective energy information.
Nature Energy.
7(4), pp. 308-309.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-022-01010-z
Boogen, Nina; Daminato, Claudio; Filippini, Massimo; Obrist, Adrian,
Can information about energy costs affect consumers’ choices? : evidence from a field experiment.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
196, pp. 568-588.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2022.02.014
Blasch, Julia; Boogen, Nina; Daminato, Claudio; Filippini, Massimo,
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy.
10(2), pp. 149-180.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.5547/2160-5890.10.2.jbla
Boogen, Nina; Cattaneo, Cristina; Filippini, Massimo; Obrist, Adrian,
Energy Efficiency.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-021-09945-0
Boogen, Nina; Datta, Souvik; Filippini, Massimo,
Estimating residential electricity demand : new empirical evidence.
Energy Policy.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112561
Borghoff, Birgitta; Boogen, Nina,
Transformation by Creagilization – designing the future of now with “Creative Agility” [paper].
2nd Global Transdisciplinarity Conference, Mustafapaşa, Türkiye, 26-30 June 2024.
Boogen, Nina; Winzer, Christian,
Households’ willingness to curtail electricity usage during winter shortages : a field experiment.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.5037079
Boogen, Nina,
Erneuerbare Energien im Alpenraum : partizipative Prozesse neu denken
Nutzen. Benutzen. Hegen. Pflegen : die Alpen im Anthropozän.
Hier und Jetzt.
pp. 58-64.
Betz, Regina; Boogen, Nina; Rösli, Stephan,
Welche Kantone investieren am meisten in erneuerbare Energien?.
Die Volkswirtschaft.
2023(3), pp. 58-61.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-27840
Boogen, Nina,
Chanteloup, Laine; Valsangiacomo, Nelly, eds.,
Résonances : la dimension sonore des Alpes.
Éditions Antipodes.
pp. 199-221.
Boogen, Nina,
Erneuerbare Energien im Alpenraum : partizipative Prozesse neu denken.
Syntopia Alpina.
Available from: https://www.syntopia-alpina.ch/beitraege/erneuerbare-energien-im-alpenraum-partizipative-prozesse-neu-denken
Boogen, Nina; Filippini, Massimo; Martinez-Cruz, Adan L.,
Economics Working Paper Series
; 22/368.
CER-ETH – Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000535197
Filippini, Massimo; Houde, Sébastien; Boogen, Nina; Kumar, Nilkanth; Wekhof, Tobias; Obrist, Adrian,
Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).
Available from: https://www.aramis.admin.ch/Default?DocumentID=69528