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Sonja Bächi

Sonja Bächi

Sonja Bächi

ZHAW School of Health Sciences
Institute of Nursing
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 60 97

Work at ZHAW


Clinical Expert Family Systems Care


Family Systems Care, Integrated Care, Self-Management Support


Clinical expert in Family Systems Care


  • Clinical Expert at the Family Systems Care Unit
    ZHAW School of Health Sciences Institute of Nursing
    02 / 2022 - today
  • Concept, introduction and implementation of Health advice at home for elderly and chronically ill people
    City of Winterthur, Community Care
    03 / 2018 - today
  • Community nursing and team management
    City of Winterthur, Community Care
    03 / 2016 - 02 / 2018
  • Head of nursing development with the topics, everyday life principle and living in the neighborhood, nursing diagnostic case discussions, spiritual care, peer tutor Kinaesthetics
    SAWIA, Foundation for senior living in Albisrieden
    02 / 2014 - 02 / 2016
  • Nursing Development in Longterm Care
    Nursinghome Alterszentrum im Geeren Seuzach
    01 / 2007 - 01 / 2014
  • Internal medicine, Advanced Care in Acute Nursing
    Kantonsspital Winterthur, KSW
    01 / 2006 - 01 / 2007
  • Emergency ward, recovery room, surgery/urology
    Hirslanden Zurich
    01 / 1999 - 12 / 2005
  • Rehabilitation- and Paraplegia Care
    Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich
    09 / 1997 - 12 / 1998

Education and Continuing education


  • Master of Science in Nursing UAS Zurich / Evaluation of Outreach Counseling, Pilot Study of an APN Project for People aged 80+
    ZHAW School of Health Sciences Institute of Nursing
    09 / 2018 - 05 / 2020
  • MAS UAS ZHAW in Gerontological Care / Introduction of Nursing Diagnostic Case Discussions in Long-Term Care
    ZHAW School of Health Sciences Institute of Nursing
    01 / 2009 - 01 / 2012

Continuing Education

  • Leadership
    Wittlin & Stauffer, Zurich
    09 / 2017
  • Higher Education in Nursing
    WE’G Aarau/ Zürich/ Winterthur
    06 / 2003


Social media



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Other publications

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW

Hilpertshauser, M. (2018). „Brüchige Unterstützungsnetze“ in der Spitex: Überlegungen aus der familienzentrierten Pflege

Other publications