Dr. Matthias Hofer

Dr. Matthias Hofer
School of Management and Law
Strategie, Qualität & Projekte
Theaterstrasse 17
8400 Winterthur
Arbeit an der ZHAW
Aus- und Weiterbildung
Doktorat / Medienpsychologie
Universität Zürich
11 / 2008 - 05 / 2014
ORCID digital identifier
Schweizerische Geselleschaf
06 / 2014
Hofer, Matthias; Birrer,Alena; Eden,Allison; Seifert,Alexander,
Mass Communication and Society.
27(5), S. 1006-1027.
Verfügbar unter: https://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2022.2135447
Hofer, Matthias; Hargittai,Eszter,
Online social engagement, depression, and anxiety among older adults.
New Media & Society.
26(1), S. 113-130.
Verfügbar unter: https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448211054377
Tamborini,Ron; Hahn,Lindsay; Baldwin,Joshua; Klebig,Brian; Prabhu,Sujay; Aley,Melinda; Hofer, Matthias; Novotny,Eric; Sethi,Neha,
Toward defining prosocial and antisocial media content in terms of intuitive motivations.
Journal of Media Psychology.
36(4), S. 256-270.
Verfügbar unter: https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000435
Publikationen vor Tätigkeit an der ZHAW
- Hartmann, T., & Hofer, M. (2022). I know it is not real (and that matters) media awareness vs. presence in a parallel processing account of the VR experience. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3, 694048
- Pfund, G., Allemand, M., & Hofer, M. (2021). Daily Social Interactions as a route to purposeful days in older adulthood. Innovation in Aging, 5(Supplement_1), 214–214.
- Pfund, G. N., Hofer, M., Allemand, M., & Hill, P. L. (2021). Being social may be purposeful in older adulthood: A measurement burst design. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Online first.
- Hofer, M., Tamborini, R., & Ryffel, F. A. (2020). Between a rock and a hard place: The role of moral intuitions and social distance in determining moral judgments of an agent in a moral dilemma. Journal of Media Psychology, 1–10
- Hofer, M., Hartmann, T., Eden, A., Ratan, R., & Hahn, L. (2020). The role of plausibility in the experience of spatial presence in virtual environments. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1, 1–9
- Tamborini, R., Hahn, L., Aley, M., Prabhu, S., Baldwin, J., Sethi, N., Novotny, E., Klebig, B., & Hofer, M. (2020). The impact of terrorist attack news on moral intuitions. Communication Studies, 1–17.
- Hofer, M., & Eden, A. (2020). Successful aging through television: Selective and compensatory television use and well-being. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64, 131–149
- Hofer, M., Hargittai, E., Büchi, M., & Seifert, A. (2019). Older adults’ Internet use and subjective well-being: The moderating role of Internet skills. International Journal of Communication, 13, 4426–4443
- Seifert, A., Hofer, M., & Rössel, J. (2018). Older adults’ perceived sense of social exclusion from the digital world. Educational Gerontology, 44, 775–785
- Seifert, A., Hofer, M., & Allemand, M. (2018). Mobile data collection: Smart, but not (yet) smart enough. Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Neural Technology, 12
- Tamborini, R., Grall, C., Prabhu, S., Hofer, M., Novotny, E., Hahn, L., Klebig, B., Kryston, K., Baldwin, J., Aley, M., & Sethi, N. (2018). Using attribution theory to explain the affective dispositions of tireless moral monitors toward narrative characters. Journal of Communication, 68, 842–871
- Hahn, L., Tamborini, R., Klebig, B., Novotny, E., Grall, C., Hofer, M., & Lee, H. (2018). The representation of altruistic and egoistic motivations in popular music over 60 years. Communication Studies, 13, 1–20
- Tamborini, R., Novotny, E., Prabhu, S., Hofer, M., Grall, C., Klebig, G., Hahn, L., Slaker, J., Ratan, R., & Bente G. (2018). The effect of behavioral synchrony with black or white virtual agents on outgroup trust. Computers in Human Behavior, 83
- Hofer, M., Hüsser, A., & Prabhu, S. (2017). The effect of an avatar’s emotional expressions on players’ fear reactions. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 883–890
- Tamborini, R., Hofer, M., Prabhu, S., Grall, C., Novotny, E. R., Hahn, L., & Klebig, B. (2017). The impact of terrorist attack news on moral intuitions and outgroup prejudice. Mass Communication and Society, 10, 1–25
- Hofer, M., & Allemand, M. (2017). Dispositional and situational emotion regulation in younger and older adults. GeroPsych, 30, 109–118
- Rieger, D., & Hofer, M. (2017). How movies can ease the fear of death: The survival or death of the protagonists in meaningful movies. Mass Communication and Society, 18, 1–24
- Odağ, Ö., Hofer, M., Schneider, F. M., & Knop, K. (2016). Testing measurement equivalence of eudaimonic and hedonic entertainment motivations in a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 42. 108–125
- Hofer, M. (2015). The effects of light-hearted and serious entertainment on enjoyment of the first- and the third-person. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 28, 42–48
- Hofer, M., Burkhard, L., & Allemand, M. (2015). Age differences in emotion regulation during a distressing film scene. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 27, 47–52
- Hofer, M., Allemand, M., & Martin, M. (2014). Age differences in non-hedonic entertainment experiences. Journal of Communication, 64, 61–81
- Hofer, M., & Aubert, V. (2013). Perceived bridging and bonding social capital on Twitter: Differentiating between followers and followees. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 2134–2142.
- Hofer, M. (2013). Appreciation and enjoyment of meaningful entertainment. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 25, 109–117
- Hofer, M., Wirth, W., Kuehne, R., Schramm, H., & Sacau, A. (2012). Structural equation modeling of spatial presence: The influence of cognitive processes and traits. Media Psychology, 15, 373–395
- Wirth, W., Hofer, M., & Schramm, H. (2012). Beyond pleasure: Exploring the eudaimonic entertainment experience. Human Communication Research, 38, 406–428
- Hofer, M., & Wirth, W. (2012). It's right to be sad: The role of meta-appraisals in the sad film paradoxon. A multiple mediator model. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 24. 43-54
- Schramm, H., Wirth, W. & Hofer, M. (2012). Genese und Modifikation von Emotionen bei der Rezeption von Musik. Eine appraisaltheoretische Modellierung [Genesis and modification of emotions during the reception of music. An appraisal theoretical model]. Musikpsychologie, 22, 123-142.
- Schramm, H., Wirth, W. & Hofer, M. (2012). Genese und Modifikation von Emotionen bei der Rezeption von Musik. Eine appraisaltheoretische Modellierung [Genesis and modification of emotions during the reception of music. An appraisal theoretical model]. Musikpsychologie, 22, 123-142.
- Hofer, M. (2011). Mitfühlende Rezeption: Der Einfluss von Empathiefähigkeit auf Emotionen und Empathie bei der Rezeption eines traurigen Zeichentrickfilms. [The influence of dispositional empathy on emotions and empathy during the reception of a sad anime movie]. M & K, 59, 324-344.
- Wirth, W & Hofer, M. (2008). Präsenzerleben. Eine medienpsychologische Modellierung. [Presence: A media psychological perspective]. Montage AV, 17, 159–176.
- Weber, P., Mangold, F., Hofer, M., & Koch, T. (Eds.) (2019). Meinungsbildung in der Netzöffentlichkeit Aktuelle Studien zu Nachrichtennutzung, Meinungsaustausch und Meinungsbeeinflussung in Social Media [Attitude formation online. Recent research on news use, exchange of ideas, and attitude formation on social media]. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Wilhelm, C., Podschuweit, N., Hofer, M., & Koch, T. (Eds.) (2018). Medienwahl. Aktuelle Konzepte, Befunde und methodische Zugänge [Media Choice. Recent concepts, findings, and methodological approaches]. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Kühne, R., Baumgartner, S., Koch, T., & Hofer, M. (Eds.) (2018). Youth and Media: Current Perspectives on Media Use and Effects. Baden-Baden: Nomos
- Hofer, M. (2020). Aging and media use and preferences. In J. Van den Bulck, M. L. Mares, & D. Ewoldsen (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Hofer, M. (2020). Process model of the formation of spatial presence. In J. Van den Bulck, M. L. Mares, & D. Ewoldsen (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Hofer, M. (2020). A measurement burst study of media use and well-being among older adults: Challenging at best. In E. Hargittai (Ed.) Research Exposed: How empirical social science gets done in the digital age (pp. 224–244). Columbia University Press.
- Hofer, M. (2020). A measurement burst study of media use and well-being among older adults: Challenging at best. In E. Hargittai (Ed.) Research Exposed: How empirical social science gets done in the digital age (pp. 224–244). Columbia University Press.
- Hofer, M. & Rieger, D. (2018). On being happy through entertainment: Hedonic and non-hedonic entertainment experiences. In J. A. Muñiz Velázquez, & C. Pulido (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Positive Communication (pp. 120–128). Routledge.
- Hofer, M. (2017). Confoundation check. In J. Matthes, R. Potter, & C. S. Davis (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. doi.org 10.1002/9781118901731.iecrm0039
- Hofer, M. (2017). Mean centering. In J. Matthes, R. Potter, & C. S. Davis (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. doi.org 10.1002/9781118901731.iecrm0137
- Hofer, M. (2017). Responses to sad media/tragedy. In P. Rössler, C. A. Hoffner, & L. van Zoonen (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects (pp. 1731–1743). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
- Hofer, M. (2016). Older adults' media use and well-being: Media as a resource in the process of successful aging. In L. Reinecke & M. B. Oliver (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Media Use and Well-being. International Perspectives on Theory and Research on Positive Media Effects (pp. 106–117). Routledge.
- Hofer, M., Hüsser, A., & Brandao, P. (2016). „Schweigen ist Gold“ – Zum Einfluss von Avatar-Emotionen auf das Emotionserleben bei Computerspielen – Identifikation als Mediator. [„Silence is golden“ – The influence of avatar emotions on perceived emotions during computer game play – the mediating role of identification]. In. C. Wünsch, M. Czichon (Eds.), Reihe Rezeptionsforschung: Vol. 32. Rezeption und Wirkung Fiktionaler Medieninhalte (pp. 97–114). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Hofer, M. (2016). Der Einfluss von Faktualität und Fiktionalität auf Eudaimonisches Unterhaltungserleben – Die mediierende Rolle wahrgenommener Realität. [The influence of factuality and fictionality on eudaimonic entertainment experiences – The mediating role of perceived realism]. In. C. Wünsch, M. Czichon (Eds.), Reihe Rezeptionsforschung: Vol. 32. Rezeption und Wirkung Fiktionaler Medieninhalte (pp. 79–96). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Hofer, M., & Fahr, A. (2016). Apparative Messungen in der Werbewirkungsforschung. [Psychophysiological measurement in advertising research]. In G. Siegert, W. Wirth, P. Weber, & J. Lischka (Eds.), Handbuch Werbeforschung (pp. 573–592). Springer VS.
- Fahr, A., & Hofer, M. (2013). Psychophysiologische Messmethoden. [Psychophysiological measurement]. In W. Möhring & D. Schlütz (Eds.), Handbuch standardisierte Erhebungsmethoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft (pp. 347–365). [S.l.]: Vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Hofer, M., & Sommer, K. (2013). Seeing the others ... Der Einfluss von Kommentaren zu redaktionellen Inhalten auf den Third-Person-Effekt. [Seeing the others… The influence of user comments on news websites on the third-person effect]. In O. Jandura & A. Fahr (Eds.), Theorieanpassungen in der digitalen Medienwelt. (pp. 159-174). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Hofer, M. (2013). Präsenzerleben und Transportation. [Presence and transportation]. In W. Schweiger & A. Fahr (Eds.), Handbuch Medienwirkungsforschung. (pp. 279-294). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Hofer, M. (2012). Zur Wirkung der Nutzung von Online-Medien auf das Sozialkapital. [The effect of using online media on social capital]. In L. Reinecke (Ed.), Unterhaltungsforschung: Vol. 7. Unterhaltung in neuen Medien. Perspektiven zur Rezeption und Wirkung von Online-Medien und interaktiven Unterhaltungsformaten (pp. 289–307). Köln: von Halem.
- Hofer, M. & Wirth, W. (2011). Supplanting oder Supplementing? Der Einfluss von Chat-Kommunikation und das Sozialkapital der Nutzer. [Supplanting or supplementing? The influence of chat communication on social capital]. In M. Hartmann & J. Wimmer (Eds.), Digital technologies revisited (pp. 112-137). Opladen: Leske + Budrich.
- Schramm, H., & Hofer, M. (2008). Musikbasierte Radioformate. [Music-based radio formats]. In H. Schramm (Ed.), Musik im Radio. Rahmenbedingungen, Konzeption, Gestaltung (pp. 113–134). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Wiesbaden.