Welcome to Chattarin Muensuksaeng
Welcome to Chattarin (Dol)! He is visiting us with a Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talents Project (DPST) Fellowship from the Royal Government of Thailand.

Chattarin Muensuksaeng (Dol) is a fourth-year Physics student in Dr. Rongrong Cheacharoen's lab at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. His academic and research background includes work in photovoltaic systems, particularly in power management for portable applications.
Additionally, he has experience in solar cell characterization as well as electronics and instrumentation, focusing on circuit design, embedded systems, and the development of low-cost laboratory testing and measurement setups.
Currently, Dol is a recipient of the Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talents Project (DPST) Fellowship, awarded by the Royal Government of Thailand. As part of his bachelor's research, he is deeply engaged in instrumentation design and has developed a keen interest in the physics of perovskite solar cells. He will be undertaking a three-month internship, contributing his expertise and continuing to pursue his research interests as a preparation for higher education