Home care workers’ health risks of exposure to heat waves
Home care workers’ health risks of exposure to heat waves. Solutions for human adaptation to climate change in the context of working life extension

Climate change is increasing the likelihood of heatwaves. Their duration and intensity are becoming more extreme, especially in urban areas. Heatwaves represent a significant health risk for all people. But for some socio-economic groups, such as home care professionals, they are especially challenging. First, home care professionals are even more exposed than usual in hot weather, as their clients are particularly vulnerable to the heat. Second, the work of home care professionals consists of physically demanding and cognitively complex activities that are even more strenuous in hot weather. Thirdly, hom care professionals have little control over their thermal environment (e.g. cooling or shade) as they are out and about in their clients' homes.
Research questions
In our study, we investigate the health risks caused by heat for Spitex healthcare professionals, with a particular interest in the risks for older employees. We focus on four dimensions of health: stress, sleep, cognitive and mental health. In collaboration with employees and their employers, we develop measures for dealing with heat and test their effect.
The study is being conducted at home care organizations in German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino. While many people are familiar with key measures for dealing with heat, implementing them is not always easy, especially in a working context. We use a participatory approach to develop the measures, considering the experiences of the employees and their employers. We also use the latest information and communication technologies (e.g. smartwatches) and develop our own app to provide employees with objective and easily accessible information on dealing with heat in real time. We evaluate the impact of these measures using a randomized controlled trial design.
Expected benefits
In the context of climate change and the shortage of skilled workers, effective strategies for adapting to extreme heat events are not only in the interests of employees, but also of employers and the public. Our results should help to identify measures that reduce heat stress on the one hand and best meet the needs of home care professionals and their employers on the other. We hope to gain insights, especially for older employees in a sector that is predominantly female.
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Isabel Baumann, Dr. Francesca Cellina (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI)
Project team
Andrea Baldassari (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI), Remo Fortunato, Dr. Tiziano Gerosa (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI), Azra Karabegovic, Dr. Sara Levati (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI), Dr. Martina Ragettli (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI)
Project partners
Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO; Spitex Schweiz; Kanton Tessin / Ufficio degli anziani e delle cure a domicilio + Ufficio del medico cantonale; Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI; Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Project status
ongoing, started 06/2024
Funding partner
Health Research and Wellbeing at UAS and UTE / Projekt Nr. 220630