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Online Retailer Survey 2022

Success Factors and Omnichannel Services in Digital Commerce


The Swiss Online Retailer Survey 2022 is the fifth online retail survey the first author has conducted. A total of 625 online retailers participated in it, including business-to-consumer (88%), business-to-business (43%), and direct-toconsumer (13%) companies. In addition to 496 Swiss retailers, 109 Austrian online retailers also took part in the representative survey. After the boom in e-commerce in 2020 and 2021 due to the corona pandemic, normality has returned for many retailers.

Key Data


Dr. Darius Zumstein


Carmen Oswald

Project status

completed, 11/2021 - 12/2022

Funding partner

Worldline Schweiz AG; Swisscom AG; BSI Business Systems Integration AG (Zürich); CRIF AG;; Handelsverband Österreich; TWINT AG; JMC Software AG; bob Finance AG / 0%-Finanzierung bobzero