Citizens, bees, biodiversity
Practical course "Blooming Roofs"

Bürger - Bienen -Biodiversität Vorarlberg (BBB-V) is part of the Interreg project ABH83 Bürger - Bienen - Biodiversität with the project partners Bodenseestiftung (Leadpartner), BUND Naturschutz Ökostation Schwaben e.V. and Umwelt- und Klimaschutzabteilung im Amt der Vlbg Landesregierung. The project Bürger - Bienen - Biodiversität (BBB) builds on the experience of the previous Interreg project "Blühendes Bodenseeland" (Blossoming Lake Constance), which advocated a landscape rich in species and flowers. The aim of the Interreg project BBB is to mobilise the population for flower-visiting insects and their habitats. It has been shown that well-trained, volunteer "flower ambassadors" can initiate a variety of measures to improve the living conditions of flower-visiting insects and that the commitment of flower ambassadors has a high mobilization potential for further civic commitment. In addition to the training and in-depth further education of the flower ambassadors, an important goal is the establishment of a stable network of flower ambassadors to promote exchange, motivation and public relations work in the Lake Constance region. Cross-border cooperation is particularly useful in this case, as the experiences and good examples of civic involvement and the implementation of measures to protect flower-visiting insects differ between the partners and sub-regions of the project area and the activities of the Vorarlberg network. Thus, the western part of Lake Constance can benefit from the Vorarlberg examples of "communal experience areas" (results of the course naturally colourful and species-rich). On the other hand, the Vorarlberg partner can benefit from the experiences of the Lake Constance Foundation in addressing and motivating companies and all partners can learn from the experiences of the Allgäu Nature Experience Centre in the educational report and in the activation of volunteers. In addition to the institutional reasons (different experiences of the project partners), a cooperation is also thematically meaningful and target-oriented: flower-visiting insects know no national borders and the ecological and social challenges are neither specifically Austrian nor specifically German. In Vorarlberg, the Bodenseeakademie has implemented one flower ambassador course in each of the last three years and a course will also be offered in 2019. These are not part of the Interreg project. The aim of the project "Citizens - Bees - Biodiversity Vorarlberg" is to valorise and thus further disseminate the measures initiated and implemented to date for insects visiting flowering areas (flower ambassador courses, network work for flowering areas in Vorarlberg, various community projects within the framework of nature diversity in the community and the practical course for communities "naturally colourful and rich in species", wild bee monitoring on public flowering areas in Rankweil). Furthermore, the knowledge about green roofs, their effects and possibilities in the region should be strengthened. The potential of biodiversity and retention roofs has so far hardly been seen as a possible climate change adaptation measure or as a possibility for alternative habitats for insects and birds and thus also as a stepping stone for biotope networking in settlement areas.
Key Data
Dr. Stephan Brenneisen, Katrin Löning
Project status
completed, 05/2019 - 12/2021
Funding partner
Interreg Europe / Projekt ABH083
Project budget
70'000 USD