Digital twin-based services to support decision making along the product lifecycle of capital equipment
The project aims to prototype Digital Twins in different industrial environments to explore how it can be designed to improve business outcomes over the whole lifecycle. A service and business model oriented concept for the twin will be developed and implemented in different industries.
Key Data
Project team
Roman Etschmann, Lukas Schweiger
Project status
completed, 05/2019 - 10/2020
Funding partner
Innovationsprojekt / Projekt Nr. 35258.1 IP-SBM
Digital twin providing new opportunities for value co-creation through supporting decision-making
2021 West, Shaun; Stoll, Oliver; Meierhofer, Jürg; Züst, Simon
Enabling decision support services in industrial ecosystems by digital twins
2021 Meierhofer, Jürg; Züst, Simon; Lu, Jinzhi; Schweiger, Lukas; Kiritsis, Dimitris
Digital twin-enabled decision support services in industrial ecosystems
2021 Meierhofer, Jürg; Schweiger, Lukas; Lu, Jinzhi; Züst, Simon; West, Shaun; Stoll, Oliver; Kiritsis, Dimitris
Value propositions enabled by digital twins in the context of servitization
2020 West, Shaun; Meierhofer, Jürg; Stoll, Oliver; Schweiger, Lukas