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Research guide to health science resources

Be efficient in your research and use the various databases, reference works and additional literature in the field of health and medicine.


We recommend that you search the databases in order to research and review up-to-date and discipline-specific content on a topic. They mostly contain references to resources as well as full text articles from journals. Depending on the database, additional types of publications such as conference reports, book chapters, pictures, videos and much more are included.


The table below provides an overview of the databases in the area of health and medicine. Please note that databases marked with an asterisk (*) require special access information. You will find more information in the details of each database.


Name Subject Content
AMED - Allied and Complementary Medicine Database* nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy references
CareLit nursing, health professions references, some full texts
CINAHL Ultimate midwifery, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, public health references, some full texts
Cochrane Library clinical medicine references, some full texts, systematic reviews
Emcare midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, public health references
LIVIVO clinical medicine, midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, public health references
MEDLINE clinical medicine, midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, public health references, some full texts
OTDBASE occupational therapy references
OTseeker occupational therapy references, systematic reviews
PEDro physiotherapy references
Physio Tools* physiotherapy references
Physitrack* physiotherapy videos, full texts
Primal Pictures* physiotherapy references
PubMed clinical medicine, midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, public health references, some full texts
Scopus multidsciplinary references

* Requires access information. You will find more information in the details of each database.

Open access portals

Search for scientific publications that are worldwide freely available, also known as open access publications.

Reference works

Reference works are the ideal starting point for your research. In addition to defining concepts, they help you to gain an overview of a topic, narrow down a topic and find key concepts for future work.

All electronic reference works can be found and searched in ZHAW swisscovery. The selection of titles below provides you with a quick introduction to your specialist area. General reference works can also be found with the monolingual (in German) and multilingual dictionaries (in German).

Title Additional information
A Dictionary of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy There are further reference works from Oxford on the topic of medicine and health.
A Dictionary of Nursing There are further reference works from Oxford on the topic of medicine and health.
A Dictionary of Public Health

There are further reference works from Oxford on the topic of medicine and health.
Encyclopedia of Gerontology -
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Different versions available: ICD-11, ICD-10-GM (German Modification), ICD-10-WHO
Praktische Schmerzmedizin There are further reference works from Springer on the topic of medicine and public health.
Pschyrembel Online Evidence-based medical information (Pschyrembel).
Waldeyer - Anatomie des Menschen Textbook and atlas of anatomy (Waldeyer).

Bachelor's theses

Selected bachelor's theses from the School of Health Professions are available in electronic form in the ZHAW digitalcollection.

Each year, the School of Health Professions organises a special day (Tag der Bachelorarbeiten) on which students present their theses.